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And Now We Wait: Signature Deadline for Colorado Anti-Hunting Ballot Initiative Has Arrived

Why It Matters: The use of ballot initiatives to ban hunting circumvents the legislative and regulatory process that provides the opportunity for input by professionals, for revisions, and considerations of broader impacts within the Colorado’s overall science-based management plan. These initiatives can allow wildlife management decisions to be made based on emotion rather than scientific …

And Now We Wait: Signature Deadline for Colorado Anti-Hunting Ballot Initiative Has Arrived Read More »

Granite Stater’s Privacy Protected with Governor’s Signature

Why It Matters: Last Friday, July 12, 2024, Governors Sportsmen’s Caucus Chair, Governor Chris Sununu signed New Hampshire House Bill 1186 (HB 1186) – An Act Relative to Firearm Purchaser’s Privacy into law, protecting the privacy of Granite Staters and individuals shopping in New Hampshire. Highlights On July 13, 2024, Governors Sportsmen’s Caucus Chair Governor …

Granite Stater’s Privacy Protected with Governor’s Signature Read More »

Temps Rise on Atlantic Red Snapper Season, While Florida Experiments with a Better Way

Why It Matters: July 12th marked the beginning, and the end, of the 2024 South Atlantic red snapper season. Unfortunately, we are stuck under a federal management paradigm in the South Atlantic that rewards a rapidly rebuilding red snapper population with fewer red snapper fishing opportunities, with the season totaling one day this year. Sound …

Temps Rise on Atlantic Red Snapper Season, While Florida Experiments with a Better Way Read More »

CSF-Supported Land Conservation Legislation Signed into Law

Why It Matters: In states like North Carolina where land is primarily privately owned and the population is increasing rapidly, proactive efforts such as offering financial incentives to private landowners to conserve property are essential to ensuring the future success of wildlife management efforts. These incentives, such as offering state income tax credits to landowners …

CSF-Supported Land Conservation Legislation Signed into Law Read More »

Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders Joins Governors Sportsmen’s Caucus

Why It Matters: Often the last line of defense against attempts to undermine our time-honored outdoor traditions, the Governors Sportsmen’s Caucus (GSC) is a critical component of the Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation’s (CSF) three-pronged approach to our mission. By joining the Governors Sportsmen’s Caucus, Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders once again demonstrates both her personal passion for …

Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders Joins Governors Sportsmen’s Caucus Read More »

Legislation Seeks to Increase the Minimum Age for Trapping in the Garden State

Why It Matters: New Jersey Assembly Bill 2920 (AB 2920) would increase the minimum age for the issuance of a trapping license from 12 years of age to 18. Increasing the minimum age for someone to be eligible to participate in trapping would be extremely detrimental to the recruitment, retention, and reactivation (R3) of trappers, …

Legislation Seeks to Increase the Minimum Age for Trapping in the Garden State Read More »

Arkansas General Assembly Approves Budget for Game and Fish Commission

Why It Matters: Despite the need for additional conversations surrounding recent management decisions made by the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission, the Arkansas General Assembly returned for a brief special session which saw them approve the Commission’s budget without much debate. This move ensures that the Commission can carry out their mission as they transition …

Arkansas General Assembly Approves Budget for Game and Fish Commission Read More »

A Tale of Two Mountain Lions

Why It Matters: This past week, the fish and game Commissions for both Montana and Washington State reviewed their mountain lion quotas and hunting seasons. Montana took an ecosystem approach and aimed for harvests that were sustainable for both mountain lions and ungulates while maintaining hunting opportunities. Washington focused solely on mountain lion populations with …

A Tale of Two Mountain Lions Read More »

Rooting Out the Problem of Wild Pigs

Why It Matters: Wild pig populations are continuing to explode across the country. With an estimated 6 million individuals nationwide, they’re having a profound impact on crops and privately owned property, causing an estimated $2.5 billion worth of damage annually while also negatively impacting native wildlife and their habitats. Subsequently, this is a big problem for …

Rooting Out the Problem of Wild Pigs Read More »

House CSC Members Introduce ACE Reauthorization Act, a Significant CSF Priority

Why It Matters: The America’s Conservation Enhancement (ACE) Reauthorization Act is a comprehensive conservation package that will bolster fish and wildlife conservation across North America. Some of the nation’s most important and impactful conservation programs are contained in this legislation. The introduction of the House bill is similar to the recent Senate passed ACE Reauthorization …

House CSC Members Introduce ACE Reauthorization Act, a Significant CSF Priority Read More »

Busy in the Bluegrass State – Recapping a Successful Legislative Session in Kentucky

Why It Matters: Kentucky’s sportsmen and women were faced with several bills during the 2024 legislative session, both positive and negative, that would impact their ability to enjoy our time-honored traditions. The Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation (CSF) had a seat at the table in Frankfort working on these bills to protect and promote Kentucky’s rich sporting …

Busy in the Bluegrass State – Recapping a Successful Legislative Session in Kentucky Read More »

Nebraska Commissioners Consider Expanding Mountain Lion Hunting Opportunities

Why it Matters: In August of 2023, the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission (NGPC) expanded hunting opportunities for mountain lions by establishing the new Niobrara Unit. Commissioners are again looking to create more opportunities for hunters to hit the fields and attempt to harvest a mountain lion by potentially expanding into the Wildcat Hills Unit. …

Nebraska Commissioners Consider Expanding Mountain Lion Hunting Opportunities Read More »

Nevada Sportsmen’s Caucus Gathers for Inaugural Fly Fishing Retreat & Educational Event

Why It Matters: Legislators, particularly those with a passion for our shared outdoor pursuits, are typically flooded each day with opposition to and attacks against the things they do. Events that bring sportsmen and women together with legislators to celebrate our hunting, fishing, trapping, and shooting traditions in a positive environment are an effective way …

Nevada Sportsmen’s Caucus Gathers for Inaugural Fly Fishing Retreat & Educational Event Read More »

Hunting with Suppressors Permanently Authorized in the Green Mountain State

Why It Matters: On June 6, 2024, Governor’s Sportsmen’s Caucus (GSC) Member, Governor Phil Scott, signed Vermont House Bill  878 (HB 878) into law, removing the two-year sunset provision previously put in place by Vermont Senate Bill  281 (SB 281) – which temporarily legalized the use of suppressors while hunting in Vermont two years ago. …

Hunting with Suppressors Permanently Authorized in the Green Mountain State Read More »

Snapper Management in The Gulf Versus The South Atlantic – A Tale of The Haves and Have Nots

Why It Matters: Like in the Gulf of Mexico (Gulf), red snapper are an extremely popular reef fish in the South Atlantic. Unfortunately, we’re stuck under a federal management paradigm that rewards a rapidly rebuilding red snapper population with fewer red snapper fishing opportunities. Last week, the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) announced a 1-day …

Snapper Management in The Gulf Versus The South Atlantic – A Tale of The Haves and Have Nots Read More »

CSC Co-Chair Senator Boozman Releases Pro-Sportsmen Farm Bill Platform

Why It Matters: After passing out of the House Agriculture Committee last month, movement around the next iteration of the Farm Bill continues in Washington. While debate around the final, bipartisan version of the bill remains, Ranking Member Boozman’s release of his Farm Bill priorities highlights the ongoing support for key conservation programs within the …

CSC Co-Chair Senator Boozman Releases Pro-Sportsmen Farm Bill Platform Read More »

Recapping a Busy, but Successful Legislative Session in the Volunteer State

Why It Matters: With no shortage of bills this year having the potential to either positively or negatively impact Tennessee’s hunters and anglers, the Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation (CSF) is pleased to report a successful legislative session in the Volunteer State. CSF worked closely with the Tennessee Legislative Sportsmen’s Caucus (Caucus) and in-state and national partners …

Recapping a Busy, but Successful Legislative Session in the Volunteer State Read More »

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