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CSF Weighs in on Mandatory Fish Harvest Reporting Requirements in North Carolina

Why It Matters: With marine fisheries management highly variable by state along the Atlantic Coast, it is imperative that any harvest reporting requirements be carefully developed to provide credible data. If a mandatory reporting program is developed correctly, reliable catch information could enhance the sustainability of North Carolina’s marine resources and provide additional access for …

CSF Weighs in on Mandatory Fish Harvest Reporting Requirements in North Carolina Read More »

Delaware Legislative Sportsmen’s Caucus Holds Final Meeting of the 2024 Legislative Session

Why It Matters: On Thursday, May 23, the Delaware Legislative Sportsmen’s Caucus (Caucus) held their final meeting of the 2024 Legislative Session. During this meeting, many topics were discussed, such as a proposed constitutional amendment for the right to hunt, fish, and trap, and the signing of the Sunday gamebird hunting legislation. It is important …

Delaware Legislative Sportsmen’s Caucus Holds Final Meeting of the 2024 Legislative Session Read More »

Alaska Session Recap: Pro-Sportsmen’s Bills Headed to Governor’s Desk

Why it Matters: On May 16, 2024, the 33rd Alaska State Legislature adjourned Sine Die, with several sportsmen’s bills passing through the House and Senate. Those bills now await transmittal to Governors Sportsmen’s Caucus Member Governor Mike Dunleavy for signature or veto. Throughout the session, the Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation (CSF) worked alongside the Alaska Legislative …

Alaska Session Recap: Pro-Sportsmen’s Bills Headed to Governor’s Desk Read More »

Congressional Fishing Tournament Highlights Fisheries Conservation Through Friendly Competition

Why It Matters:  For over 80 years, sportsmen and women have played an integral role in providing the vast majority of conservation funding in the United States through the incredibly unique and successful American System of Conservation Funding (ASCF). Since 1952, America’s anglers and boaters have contributed over $11 billion in funding to state fish …

Congressional Fishing Tournament Highlights Fisheries Conservation Through Friendly Competition Read More »

Granite Stater’s Privacy Protected; Governor’s Signature Awaits

Why It Matters: Introduced on January 3, 2024, New Hampshire House Bill 1186 (HB 1186) – An Act Relative to Firearm Purchaser’s Privacy, seeks to protect Granite Staters from being tracked or halted by financial institutions when purchasing firearms and ammunition. HB 1186 was referred to the House Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee on …

Granite Stater’s Privacy Protected; Governor’s Signature Awaits Read More »

CSF Supports Land Conservation Legislation in North Carolina

Why It Matters: With North Carolina being one of the most rapidly growing states in the country, it is increasingly important to support landowners interested in conserving their property. North Carolina’s private lands provide important access for hunting and fishing, but as properties are developed, wildlife habitat and hunting and fishing access is often lost. …

CSF Supports Land Conservation Legislation in North Carolina Read More »

The Fight Continues: Bill to Ban Hunting Contests Revived After Missing Deadline

Why It Matters: Following relentless efforts from anti-hunting organizations, a bill that sought to prohibit hunters from participating in contests or tournaments was revived after it missed a key legislative deadline. The bill threatens traditions that sportsmen and women have long enjoyed while simultaneously seeking to manage wildlife issues legislatively rather than vesting the appropriate …

The Fight Continues: Bill to Ban Hunting Contests Revived After Missing Deadline Read More »

Playing the Odds: Applications Open for Public Land Elk Permits and Elk and Black Bear Permits for Residents in Arkansas and Missouri, Respectively.

Why It Matters: When game populations are at a point where limited, regulated hunting opportunities are necessary for their management, state fish and wildlife agencies often develop a lottery system in which sportsmen and women apply for a limited number of tags or permits. In utilizing a lottery, states are able to manage the demand …

Playing the Odds: Applications Open for Public Land Elk Permits and Elk and Black Bear Permits for Residents in Arkansas and Missouri, Respectively. Read More »

Pennsylvania Poised to Become 32nd State to Issue Discounted Hunting and Fishing Licenses to College Students

Why It Matters: College can be an incredibly challenging time financially for many students, which presents a real barrier for them purchasing a hunting, trapping, or fishing license while in school. If young adults cease their participation in hunting and angling for 4 years while other interests are blossoming, there is real potential for them …

Pennsylvania Poised to Become 32nd State to Issue Discounted Hunting and Fishing Licenses to College Students Read More »

Legislation to Protect Conservation Funding in Louisiana Clears Senate Committee

Why It Matters:  Legislation to protect conservation funding for the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries (LDWF) by requiring that the agency be reimbursed for revenue lost due to the creation of free and discounted hunting and fishing licenses is a forward-leaning mechanism to safeguard the ability of the state fish and wildlife agency to …

Legislation to Protect Conservation Funding in Louisiana Clears Senate Committee Read More »

Commission Restructuring Bill Gains Momentum During Kansas’ Veto Session

Why It Matters: Throughout Kansas’ legislative session, several attempts were made to alter the current Kansas Wildlife and Parks Commission, including efforts to alter how commissioners are appointed as well as proposals to completely abolish the current Kansas Wildlife and Parks Commission. While these early attempts failed due to legislative deadlines, a final attempt was …

Commission Restructuring Bill Gains Momentum During Kansas’ Veto Session Read More »

CSF Access and State Management Authority Priorities Pass U.S. House

Why It Matters: The passage of these bills marks the first time that either bill has passed its respective chamber. The Protecting Access for Hunters and Anglers Act will help maintain access for sportsmen and women by ensuring that federal agencies do not arbitrarily or haphazardly ban traditional ammunition and fishing tackle. The Trust the …

CSF Access and State Management Authority Priorities Pass U.S. House Read More »

House and Senate Ag Committee Chairs Release Initial Farm Bill Plans

Why It Matters: Last week, Chairman G.T. Thompson of the House Agriculture Committee released his framework for the next iteration of the Farm Bill while Chairwoman Debbie Stabenow of the Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry released her version of the bill. Representing some of the most critical investments in conservation, particularly on private …

House and Senate Ag Committee Chairs Release Initial Farm Bill Plans Read More »

Pennsylvania Seeks to Remove Longstanding Sunday Hunting Restrictions

Why It Matters: Sunday hunting bans are one of the last remaining examples of the puritanical and antiquated laws that were initially designed to encourage church attendance. At the time when blue law restrictions were first put in place, other activities that were illegal on a Sunday included opening a store for business, drinking alcoholic …

Pennsylvania Seeks to Remove Longstanding Sunday Hunting Restrictions Read More »

Wolf Issues Sweep Through the Northwest

Why It Matters: As population studies wrap-up, commissions convene, and court decisions are announced, management and regulatory conversations begin anew. While wolves are only one species among thousands, the decisions being made with wolf management have ripple effects throughout wildlife conservation as well as hunting and trapping opportunities. The Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation (CSF) is working …

Wolf Issues Sweep Through the Northwest Read More »

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