October 13, 2020

California Governor Newsom Issues 30×30 Executive Order

Contact: Aoibheann Cline, Western States Coordinator

On October 7, California Governor Gavin Newsom released a “30×30” Executive Order directing the California Natural Resources Agency to conserve 30% of California’s lands and coastal waters by the year 2030.

The release of the Executive Order follows on the heels of a similar policy that failed in the State Legislature during the 2020 session, Assembly Bill 3030 (AB 3030). The Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation (CSF) took an “oppose unless amended” position on the legislation throughout the session because of concerns that the bill’s broad sweeping language could result in unnecessary and potentially unintended closures to hunting and fishing access.

The Executive Order addressed many of the concerns and included key proposed amendments from the hunting and fishing community that AB 3030 lacked. The Executive Order calls for “conserving” rather than ambiguously “protecting” lands and waters, it provides for a diverse stakeholder engagement process which includes participation of hunting and fishing organizations, and it requires a baseline assessment of its currently protected lands. The hunting community issued a statement recognizing Governor Newsom’s inclusion of these sportsmen’s priorities and confirming our community’s dedication to conserving California’s natural resources for the enjoyment of all outdoor enthusiasts for generations to come.

When conservation becomes preservation, the hunting and fishing community is often the first to be adversely affected through diminished access resulting from closures, despite being the largest financial contributors to state-based conservation efforts. CSF remains committed to protecting Californians’ ability to hunt and fish and will be actively engaged in the stakeholder process to develop and implement the regulatory framework of 30×30 in the Golden State.

Studies conducted at both the state and federal level have found that the number of hunters and trappers have been on a generally declining trend over the past several decades. To increase recruitment, retention, and reactivation (R3) of hunters and trappers, which initiative do you think would have the greatest impact?

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