October 15, 2018

Cervid Carcass Import and Scent Attractant Regulations Changing in Response to Chronic Wasting Disease Threat

By Bee Frederick, Southeastern States Director

In the midst of deer season across the Southeast, state agencies are continuing to take steps to stop the spread of Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD). This disease has currently been detected in cervids (deer, moose and elk) in 25 states nationwide, most recently in Mississippi in early 2018.

The Southeastern states where CWD has been detected include Mississippi, Missouri, and Virginia.

In response to the growing concerns related to CWD and concerted efforts to prevent the spread of CWD in the Southeastern region, many states have moved forward with regulations that prohibit the importation of cervid carcasses/parts from all states (regardless of CWD status) with various exceptions.

Alabama, for example, expanded its rules that previously only applied to CWD-positive states. These regulations prohibit the importation of: bone-in meat, velvet covered antlers, soft tissue from teeth, brain or spinal tissue from skull plates, raw capes, or hides from all states. Additionally, Alabama will implement a ban on the use of natural deer urine starting with the 2019-2020 deer seasons (synthetic deer urine products are not affected).

Additionally, Tennessee and North Carolina also recently expanded their carcass importation regulations to apply to all states. The Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks Commission is also currently considering expanding their current carcass-import regulations to all states at their October 18 Commission meeting. They will also be considering a ban on natural deer urine/scents.

Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation staff has worked with members of the Congressional Sportsmen’s Caucus to introduce federal legislation that would give state agencies additional resources to monitor and manage CWD, as well as provide funding towards research on strategies to reduce the prevalence and spread of the disease.

Studies conducted at both the state and federal level have found that the number of hunters and trappers have been on a generally declining trend over the past several decades. To increase recruitment, retention, and reactivation (R3) of hunters and trappers, which initiative do you think would have the greatest impact?

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