January 11, 2018

CSF Chairman’s Club Gathers at Dallas Safari Club Convention

On January 5, Members of the Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation (CSF) Chairman’s Club gathered for a reception during Dallas Safari Club’s 2018 Legacy Convention & Sporting Expo in Dallas, Texas.

CSF Chairman’s Club Member and Honorary Board Member Richard Childress addressed attendees, and discussed the importance of supporting CSF’s mission of protecting and advancing hunting, angling, recreational shooting and trapping.

“I look forward to continuing to support CSF as a Mission Partner through Richard Childress Racing, as well as on a personal level through the Chairman’s Club,” said Childress, “CSF has helped achieve many accomplishments for sportsmen and women across the country and has been critically important to the passage of pro-sportsmen’s bills in my home state of North Carolina.”

In addition to discussing benefits of joining the Chairman’s Club, Deputy Secretary of the Interior David Bernhardt discussed upcoming priorities, and the importance of advancing access and opportunities for hunting and fishing on public lands managed by the Interior Department.

Founded in 2013, the Chairman’s Club provides recognition for individuals who philanthropically support CSF with a gift of at least $1,000 a year. Members come from all walks and backgrounds of life who are united in their passion for the outdoors and our sporting heritage. 

Studies conducted at both the state and federal level have found that the number of hunters and trappers have been on a generally declining trend over the past several decades. To increase recruitment, retention, and reactivation (R3) of hunters and trappers, which initiative do you think would have the greatest impact?

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