August 19, 2024

CSF Chairs and Leads AWCP Summer Meeting, Hosted by Key Partners RMEF and B&C

Why It Matters: The American Wildlife Conservation Partners (AWCP) is the nation’s leading consortium of hunting, wildlife professional, outdoor recreationists, and other conservation organizations that work under the same umbrella to build unity and develop consensus around the most pressing issues facing wildlife and sportsmen and women.  While the 52 partner organizations of AWCP may have diverse primary missions, they all hold a shared commitment to advancing and promoting pro sporting-conservation priorities.


  • Recently, the Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation (CSF) led the AWCP, a consortium of 52 of the nation’s leading hunting, wildlife professional organizations, and other conservation organizations, for the annual summer meeting in Missoula, Montana.
  • Notably, CSF’s Director of Federal Relations, Taylor Schmitz, serves as the 2024 Chairman of AWCP and Hannah Stubblefield, CSF’s Senior Coordinator, Policy Communications, serves as AWCP Secretary.
  • CSF would like to extend our thanks to the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation (RMEF) as well as the Boone and Crockett Club (B&C) for hosting AWCP’s summer meeting.

In early August, CSF led the American Wildlife Conservation Partners summer meeting, which was hosted by two of CSF’s key partners, the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation and the Boone and Crockett Club.

Every four years, AWCP revises its collective priorities in a document known as Wildlife for the 21st Century (W-21), which serves as the blueprint for AWCP’s vision for wildlife and sportsmen and women. AWCP revises W-21 every four years to help guide the incoming Presidency and the next two Congresses. CSF’s Taylor Schmitz, Director of Federal Relations, serves as the 2024 Chairman of AWCP and Schmitz’s Chairmanship within AWCP has allowed CSF to guide the direction of the Partnership through the development of W-21.

“AWCP is a unique and powerful voice for our nation’s wildlife and sportsmen and women. I am proud to work alongside the 51 members of AWCP to tackle the most pressing issues facing conservation and access,” said CSF’s Director of Federal Relations and AWCP Chairman Taylor Schmitz. “Each AWCP member brings a different perspective, and it is this diversity of perspectives and expertise that makes AWCP successful.”

In the coming weeks, AWCP will be finalizing W-21 and CSF will be leading efforts to make the recommendations contained in the document a reality.

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