July 6, 2020

CSF Western States Coordinator Featured on Bent n Ballistic Podcast, Talks AB 3030 in California, 30×30 Nationally, and #ResponsibleRecreation

On July 1, the Bent n Ballistic podcast released an episode “30×30 Demystified” featuring the Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation’s (CSF) Western States Coordinator Aoibheann Cline. Cline discussed the 30×30 bill in California that has raised red flags throughout the sportsmen’s community. The bill, AB 3030 could lead to more hunting and fishing closures in the state, by seeking to “protect” 30% of the state’s lands and waters by 2030. The bill raises concerns because of its broad sweeping language and failure to define “protect” or identify the 30% of areas to be protected. Cline also discussed how AB 3030 and the #ResponsibleRecreation campaign have led to positive and comprehensive uniting of the sportsmen’s community in California and beyond. CSF expects to see 30×30 as a national movement and Cline discusses how the sportsmen’s community could support the initiative with better drafted language and recognition of hunting and fishing as compatible conservation activities. The Bent n Ballistic episode also features Wayne Kowtow of Coastal Conservation Association of California (CCA Cal) who discusses AB 3030’s impact to on the coastal fishing community in California. To learn more about AB 3030, read Cline’s article here, and listen to the podcast here.

Studies conducted at both the state and federal level have found that the number of hunters and trappers have been on a generally declining trend over the past several decades. To increase recruitment, retention, and reactivation (R3) of hunters and trappers, which initiative do you think would have the greatest impact?

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