September 17, 2024

Duck, Duck, Goose! Waterfowl Seasons are Opening in the Mid-Atlantic Region

Article Contact: Kaleigh Leager,

Why It Matters: When the heat of the summer starts to dwindle and leaves start to fall, the sounds of migratory waterfowl begin to ring through the air. Here in the Mid-Atlantic States, many states are wrapping up their resident goose seasons and are ramping up for teal/early duck season. For many wing shooters, this marks the happiest time of year! With that, let us take a peek at some of the policy victories and struggles that impact waterfowlers.


  • You can find more information about the Mid-Atlantic State’s Waterfowl Hunting Seasons, here: DE, MD, PA, VA, WV.
  • Currently, Delaware, Virginia, and West Virginia are the only states that allow for Sunday waterfowl hunting within the Mid-Atlantic Region.
  • Waterfowl hunters now have one less piece of paper carry because in December of 2023, President Biden signed the Duck Stamp Modernization Act into law (one of the Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation’s (CSF) top priorities), allowing waterfowl hunters to carry their Federal Duck Stamp in an electronic format.

In the Mid-Atlantic States, waterfowlers can cut their teeth for the year on flying fowl during their respected state’s resident/early Canada goose season (resident/early Canada goose seasons either close right before early duck, or overlap). Maryland, Delaware, and Virigina have special teal seasons which typically run for a few weeks in September, while Pennsylvania and West Virginia’s duck seasons do not open until early October. Additionally, the Mid-Atlantic States are within the migration range of the coveted black duck, which is primarily only found in the Atlantic Flyway.

In December of 2023, President Biden signed the Duck Stamp Modernization Act (Act) into law, allowing the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) to implement the use of electronic Federal Duck Stamps, beyond the previous 45-day grace period (until your physical stamp arrived in the mail). This Act was led by Congressional Sportsmen’s Caucus (CSC) Leaders Sens. Boozman, Manchin, Marshall, and King, and by CSC Leader Rep. Graves and CSC Member Rep. Mike Thompson. Per the USFWS, hunters will be able to take full advantage of the Act during this waterfowl season (2024-2025).

Out of the 5 Mid-Atlantic states, Delaware, Virginia, and West Virginia allow hunters to target waterfowl 7-Days a week, while Maryland and Pennsylvania’s waterfowl are still under the rule of the antiquated blue laws. While Maryland legislators continue to introduce legislation that would repeal the longstanding prohibition on Sunday waterfowl hunting, it continues to fail. For example, Maryland Legislative Sportsmen’s Caucus Co-Chair, Del. Kevin Hornberger introduced House Bill 778 (HB 778) during the 2024 Legislative Session. CSF along with other sporting groups submitted testimony and/or testified in favor of this legislation. Historically, the language pertaining to the removal of the prohibition removed via amendments, or standalone bills such as HB 778, die from inaction by the Committee. In Pennsylvania, legislation aimed at fully removing the longstanding Sunday hunting prohibition also continues to be introduced, but never seems to make it across the finish line, except for Senate Bill 147 in 2020, which authorized one day of deer hunting on Sundays during the archery season, one day during the firearm season, and one day for firearm bear season. Currently, there are two pieces of legislation House Bill 2106 (HB 2106) and Senate Bill 67 (SB 67) that are awaiting action.

Moving forward, the Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation encourages legislators to work with their state fish and game agency to repeal the antiquated blue laws (Sunday hunting restrictions) in their state that acts as an unnecessary barrier to access and opportunity for hunters. The removal of such barriers increases license sales, positively impacts the state’s economy, and greatly assists with the recruitment, retention, and reactivation (R3) of sportsmen and women. CSF also wishes waterfowl hunters a safe and successful season!

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