March 2, 2016

Fish and Wildlife Conservation Leaders Call for $1.3 Billion Annual Investment for States

A 21st Century Vision for Investing in and Connecting People to Nature

A group of energy, business and conservation leaders today released their recommendations on how to avert the growing endangered species crisis in this country. The Blue Ribbon Panel on Sustaining America’s Diverse Fish & Wildlife Resources determined that utilizing a portion of revenues from energy and mineral development on federal lands and waters to fund state-based conservation could address conservation needs for thousands of species. An annual investment of $1.3 billion from these development revenues into the currently unfunded Wildlife Restoration Program would allow state fish and wildlife agencies to proactively manage these species, reducing taxpayer costs and the regulatory red tape that comes when species are listed under the federal Endangered Species Act.

“A lot is at stake if we don’t act soon. For every species that is thriving in our country, hundreds of species are in decline.  These recommendations offer a new funding approach that will help ensure all fish and wildlife are conserved for future generations,” said former Wyoming governor, David Freudenthal, Co-Chair of the Blue Ribbon Panel. “We need to start down a new path where we invest proactively in conservation rather than reactively.”

The Blue Ribbon Panel was assembled in 2014 and met three times to produce recommendations and policy options on the most sustainable and equitable model to fund conservation of the full array of fish and wildlife species. The panel was co-chaired by Freudenthal and John L. Morris, noted conservationist and founder of Bass Pro Shops. It includes representatives from the outdoor recreation retail and manufacturing sector, the energy and automotive industries, private landowners, educational institutions, sportsmen’s conservation organizations, and state fish and wildlife agencies. During their meetings, panelists agreed that an increased investment in fish and wildlife conservation makes fiscal sense and is needed to protect our natural heritage. Their recommendation would redirect and dedicate $1.3 billion each year from the over $10 billion in revenues from energy development (both renewable and traditional) and mineral development on federal lands and waters.

“Conservation means balancing the sustainability of fish and wildlife resources with the many needs of humans for clean air and water, land, food and fiber, dependable energy, economic development, and recreation. It is our responsibility to lead the way so our state fish and wildlife agencies have the resources they need to conserve species and manage our natural resources – the future of our industry and the outdoor sports we love depend on this investment,” noted Morris. “Redirecting revenues from energy and mineral development to state-based conservation is a simple, logical solution, and it is now up to our leaders in Congress to move this concept forward.”

Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation President Jeff Crane, a member of the Blue Ribbon Panel, spoke about the necessary steps moving forward from a policy standpoint. “Many bipartisan federal and state sportsmen’s caucus Members have been supportive of these measures, and we can educate and work with legislators moving forward on these important policy changes,” said Crane.

State fish and wildlife agencies have primary responsibility for managing species within their borders, as well as conserving important habitats and providing outdoor recreation opportunities. Traditionally, agencies have been funded by hunters and anglers through license fees and excise taxes on hunting and fishing equipment and motorboat fuels – most agencies receive very limited funding through general taxpayer dollars. Agencies have not been able to keep pace with the growing challenge as habitat is lost and species decline and hunter and angler participation has declined. States have developed state wildlife action plans identifying 12,000 species in greatest need for conservation efforts. However, limited funding requires prioritization of the species facing the highest risk of endangerment leaving thousands of other species and their habitats hanging in the balance.

Blue Ribbon Panel on Sustaining America’s Diverse Fish and Wildlife Resources
Co-Chairs John Morris, Founder, Bass Pro Shops; David Freudenthal, Former Governor State of Wyoming, Crowell & Moring. Members: Kevin Butt, Toyota Motor Engineering & Manufacturing, NA, Inc.; Richard Childress, Richard Childress Racing Enterprises/NRA; Jeff Crane, Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation; Bruce Culpepper, Shell Americas; John Doerr, Pure Fishing, Inc.; Jim Faulstich, Partners for Conservation; John Fitzpatrick, Cornell Lab of Ornithology; Greg Hill, Hess Corporation; Becky Humphries, National Wild Turkey Federation; Stephen Kellert, Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies; Jennifer Mull, Outdoor Industry Association; John Newman, Ducks Unlimited, Inc.; Mike Nussman, American Sportfishing Association; Margaret O’Gorman, Wildlife Habitat Council; Glenn Olson, National Audubon Society; Collin O’Mara, National Wildlife Federation; Connie Parker, CSParker Group; Charlie Potter, Max McGraw Wildlife Foundation; Steve Sanetti, National Shooting Sports Foundation; John Tomke, Wildlife & Hunting Heritage Conservation Council; Jeff Trandahl, National Fish & Wildlife Foundation; James Walker, EDF Renewable Energy; Steve Williams, Wildlife Management Institute; Bob Ziehmer, Missouri Department of Conservation. Ex Officio Members: Michael Bean, US Department Interior; Ronald Regan, Association of Fish & Wildlife Agencies

Click here for the final recommendations, released during the 2016 North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference.

Studies conducted at both the state and federal level have found that the number of hunters and trappers have been on a generally declining trend over the past several decades. To increase recruitment, retention, and reactivation (R3) of hunters and trappers, which initiative do you think would have the greatest impact?

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