March 1, 2021

Kentucky Legislation Would Protect the Firearms Industry from Financial Discrimination

Article Contact: John Culclasure,

On February 24, legislation that would make it unlawful for financial institutions and government entities to discriminate against the firearms industry reported favorably out of the Kentucky House Judiciary Committee.

Prior to the vote, the Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation (CSF) submitted a support letter to the committee.

CSF’s letter stated, “Firearms and firearms-related businesses are essential to supporting Kentucky’s hunters and recreational shooters, and we believe the legislation is needed to protect Kentucky’s sporting heritage and the conservation funding and economic benefits that sportsmen and women provide to the Commonwealth.”

The letter also stressed the fact that a significant portion of the revenue generated through the American System of Conservation Funding used for conservation programs in the Bluegrass State is derived from excise taxes on firearms and ammunition.

Similar Firearms Industry Nondiscrimination Act legislation has been enacted in Georgia.

CSF appreciates the strong support the bill has received in the Kentucky General Assembly and will continue working with partners to support the bill’s advancement.

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