August 25, 2016

Nevada: Commission to Consider Caliber and Case-length Restrictions

In recent months, the Nevada Board of Wildlife Commissioners has begun to consider regulations that would restrict the allowable caliber size and case length of ammunition used to hunt big game.  

Under the proposal, sportsmen and women in Nevada would be restricted from hunting big game with a centerfire handgun with a barrel shorter than four inches, or a caliber smaller than .22. Similarly, sportsmen and women in the Silver State would be prohibited from hunting big game with a rifle if the rifle uses a centerfire cartridge that is smaller than .22 caliber or larger than .50 caliber, or a centerfire cartridge with a case length of more than 3 inches. The proposed regulations would also prohibit the use of any firearm that is equipped with any sighting system using a computer or electronically controlled firing mechanism (for example, a smart trigger).

Consideration of the proposal has been delayed several times. Citing their concern that the language could be interpreted incorrectly as written, members of the Commission have expressed concern at the wording of the proposed regulations.

The proposal is scheduled to be considered at the Commission’s September 23-24 meeting in Las Vegas. Click here to read the CSF issue brief on Technology and the Fair Chase Ethic.

Studies conducted at both the state and federal level have found that the number of hunters and trappers have been on a generally declining trend over the past several decades. To increase recruitment, retention, and reactivation (R3) of hunters and trappers, which initiative do you think would have the greatest impact?

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