June 24, 2024

Nevada Sportsmen’s Caucus Gathers for Inaugural Fly Fishing Retreat & Educational Event

Article Contact: Barry Snell,

Why It Matters: Legislators, particularly those with a passion for our shared outdoor pursuits, are typically flooded each day with opposition to and attacks against the things they do. Events that bring sportsmen and women together with legislators to celebrate our hunting, fishing, trapping, and shooting traditions in a positive environment are an effective way to not only educate them about our beliefs but also to show them that we’re engaged.


  • Approximately 35 sportsmen and women gathered near Yerington, Nevada on Tuesday, June 18, 2024, to fly fish with members of the Nevada Legislative Sportsmen’s Caucus.
  • Numerous Caucus members and game commissioners were present, along with staff from the Nevada Department of Wildlife, Nevada State Parks, and several of The Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation’s (CSF) in-state partners.
  • Presentations were given by retired NDOW biologist Mike Sevon and Carlie Henneman with the Walker Basin Conservancy about efforts to raise the water levels in Walker Lake to restore the once thriving fish populations there.

Thursday, June 18, 2024, saw approximately 35 sportsmen and women descend upon the Flying M Ranch outside Yerington, NV, where members of the Nevada sportsmen’s caucus, game commission, NDOW, and several of CSF’s in-state partners gathered for a day of fellowship, education, and policy discussion. This event marks the Nevada Legislative Sportsmen’s Caucus’ first major event since its recent reorganization late last year.

The day began on a freshly stocked pond on the ranch, where newbies to fly fishing received instruction from rangers and other NDOW staff. From there, folks were cut loose to continue fishing on the pond, or to explore the Walker River nearby. Senator Robin Titus, one of the Caucus Co-Chairs, provided an award of two bottles of local wine to the winner of the impromptu largest fish competition.

Following lunch, Mike Sevon, a retired NDOW fisheries biologist, gave a presentation entitled “The Fisheries History of Walker Lake – Past, Present and Future.”  The presentation detailed how Walker Lake, once home to thriving populations of several species of fish and a significant source of food and recreation, has since turned into a virtual lifeless body of water. This stark change has been caused by declining water levels, which has in turn caused a dramatic increase in the total dissolved solids concentration, which has now reached toxic levels.

Carlie Henneman with the Walker Basin Conservancy followed that up with a presentation on how they, NDOW, and other in-state partners have been working to reverse the situation and restore Walker Lake to the fish and recreation haven that it once was. This event was intentionally held on the Flying M Ranch because the acquisition of the land, once owned by Barron Hilton, is part of the effort by the State of Nevada to acquire as much of the water rights as possible in the Walker River Basin to most effectively combat the problem.

The event closed with a roundtable discussion of how we could continue to work together not only on the Walker Lake issue, but other issues pertaining to Nevada’s sportsmen and women, including discussing concerns over anticipated attempts by anti-hunting activists to change the composition of the game commission in the upcoming legislative session to include some of those same anti-hunting activists—a serious situation that CSF will continue to work with the Caucus and our partners to oppose.

CSF extends its thanks to all who attended this new event and helped strengthen the caucus and gave the group new energy. We look forward to seeing everyone again next year.

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