October 25, 2021

Nevada to Consider a Statewide Ban on Hunting Tournaments

Contact: Keely Hopkins, Assistant Manager, Pacific States


Why It Matters:  In recent years, hunting and fishing tournaments have come under fire by “animal rights” organizations who dislike the idea of animals being taken for a prize or reward. These groups, such as the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) and Project Coyote, have been organizing in numerous states against these tournaments, despite the positive impact tournaments have on local economies and the role that sportsmen play in conservation. The debate over these tournaments has drawn increased attention in Nevada, since the nearby states of Arizona, California, Colorado, and New Mexico have passed similar bans.

On November 5, the Nevada Board of Wildlife Commissioners will consider Commission General Regulation 503 (CGR 503) to ban all hunting tournaments in the state, including Coyote Calling Contests. This issue was previously considered by the Commissioners at the March 20 meeting, however, a vote on the ban was postponed. This debate once again puts Coyote Calling Contests in the crosshairs, with several Nevada counties already weighing in on the topic by passing their own resolutions. Earlier this year, urban Clark County urged “immediate action” to ban the contests, while rural Elko County took the opposite position, stating that “Clark County should not be able to dictate what is legal in the rural counties”. 

Hunting tournaments are a time-honored tradition in Nevada that provide increased opportunities for Nevada’s sportsmen and sportswomen to participate in the great outdoors, while also contributing to effective wildlife management and supporting local economies. Contrary to the misinformed narrative that often circles the topic of hunting contests, parties to these tournaments are not exempted from following the same honorable wildlife laws and regulations as other sporting pursuits – especially regarding methods of take, hunting hours, and rules pertaining to license requirements and/or certain uses of the pelt after the harvest.

Furthermore, hunting tournaments can help provide an effective management tool for specific species, such as coyotes, where localized issues of overabundance may result in increased human-wildlife conflicts and attacks.  It has been proven that short-term removal mechanisms, such as tournaments, can provide immediate relief to farmers and ranchers by helping reduce livestock losses due to those varmint species. Numerous accounts of conflicts between coyotes, humans, and their pets have been well-documented in the media, and it stands to reason that the frequency of these occurrences are likely to increase if hunting opportunities are limited.

Tournaments also support local economies through increased expenditures and tourism. Increased tourism associated with hunting tournaments provides vital revenue for Nevada’s rural communities, where participants contribute through the purchase of gas, hotel rooms, supplies and gear, and by dining at restaurants. 

The Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation has submitted written comments to the Nevada Board of Wildlife Commissioners to urge their opposition to CGR 503. Written comments can be submitted to the Commission at wildlifecommission@ndow.org, and public testimony will also be accepted during their November 5th meeting which begins at 8:00am. Further details on the meeting and how to testify can be found here.

Studies conducted at both the state and federal level have found that the number of hunters and trappers have been on a generally declining trend over the past several decades. To increase recruitment, retention, and reactivation (R3) of hunters and trappers, which initiative do you think would have the greatest impact?

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