March 27, 2023

The Long-Awaited Return of New York’s Sportsman-Legislator Breakfast

Why It Matters: As New York wraps up its budget-setting portion of the year, the legislature will waste no time in heating up with committee hearings. Sportsmen’s policies such as the expanded use of crossbows and allowing 12 and 13year-old hunters to pursue deer with a firearm and/or crossbow remain top-line priorities as we enter April, as does defeating legislation that would prohibit the import of parts and products from certain African species. Events such as the New York Legislative Sportsmen’s Caucus’ breakfast are crucial, as they allow Caucus members to gather and discuss the year ahead while acquainting themselves with the organizations that serve as valuable resources on all matters hunting, fishing, recreational shooting and trapping, such as those that make up the New York Sportsmen’s Advisory Council. In addition to this, the event served as an opportunity for Caucus Co-Chairs Senator Joseph Griffo and Assemblywoman Aileen Gunther to welcome on two new Caucus leaders – Senator Michelle Hinchey and Assemblyman Robert Smullen.


  • On March 22, the New York Legislative Sportsmen’s Caucus hosted a breakfast briefing in Albany that brought together leaders and members from the Caucus, New York Sportsmen’s Advisory Council (NYSAC), and Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation (CSF).
  • The Caucus’ breakfast was also an opportunity for the leadership bench to announce two new Co-Chairs – Senator Michelle Hinchey and Assemblyman Robert Smullen – as well as welcome new Caucus members into the fold.
  • This event marked the return of an annual event that was put on a temporary hiatus due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • CSF welcomed all attendees and spoke to the important roles that the NYSAC and CSF play in serving as a network of organizations focused on protecting and advancing hunting, fishing, recreational shooting, and trapping in the Empire State.

On March 22, the New York Legislative Sportsmen’s Caucus convened for a return of the Annual Sportsman-Legislator Breakfast in Albany – the first to occur since the pandemic. The Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation’s (CSF) Joe Mullin, Northeastern States Manager, attended the meeting and welcomed new and existing members to the event and spoke to the ways in which CSF and the New York Sportsmen’s Advisory Council (NYSAC) leaders and members – several of whom were in attendance – can assist the Caucus members on all matters related to our sporting heritages.

Caucus Co-Chairs Senator Joseph Griffo, Assemblywoman Aileen Gunther, and two new Caucus leaders, Senator Michelle Hinchey and Assemblyman Robert Smullen, then took to the mic to speak about their vested interests in our outdoor pursuits and the important roles that hunting and angling play in New York. Following this, the Co-Chairs welcomed NYSAC Chair Bill Schwerd to the podium (representing New York 4-H Shooting Sports), where he remarked on the importance of leveraging the NYSAC in advancing pro-sportsmen’s legislation.

Though budget season in New York is nearing its end, the public can expect committee hearings to continue picking up throughout the coming months. CSF has already engaged in opposing legislation that would ban the import of parts and products from certain African species. Other priorities going forward include opposing legislative prohibitions on lead ammunition, supporting expanded crossbow use, and supporting the permanent authorization for 12 and 13 year-old hunters to hunt deer with a firearm and crossbow.

CSF would like to thank the leaders of the New York Legislative Sportsmen’s Caucus and the NYSAC for their continued efforts and assistance in organizing events such as this Caucus breakfast. CSF looks forward to working with all parties toward the advancement of pro-sportsmen’s policies in the Empire State.

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