December 10, 2018

Wisconsin: CSF Staff Attends Capitol Breakfast Briefing

By Nick Buggia, Upper Midwestern States Manager

On December 5, the Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation (CSF) joined Ducks Unlimited for a breakfast briefing at the Wisconsin Capitol, in Madison. The event brought together state legislators, legislative staff, and local conservation organizations.

CSF Upper Midwestern States Manager Nick Buggia, gave a presentation on the American System of Conservation Funding (ASCF), explaining that the vast majority of funding for state fish and wildlife agencies is generated by sportsmen, in a “user pays, public-benefit” program. This funding comes from the sale of hunting and fishing licenses in combination with Pittman-Robertson and Dingell-Johnson/Wallop-Breaux funds from excise taxes on various hunting and fishing related gear.  

Other presentations included an update from Ducks Unlimited on projects they are working on in the region, and the announcement of a new coalition that formed called Sportsmen for Wetlands. This event provided an opportunity for CSF to collaborate with partner organizations on conservation funding efforts.

Sportsmen and women contribute billions of dollars to conservation every year. The sportsmen and women of Wisconsin contributed over $100 million to conservation in their state in 2017.

Studies conducted at both the state and federal level have found that the number of hunters and trappers have been on a generally declining trend over the past several decades. To increase recruitment, retention, and reactivation (R3) of hunters and trappers, which initiative do you think would have the greatest impact?

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