January 29, 2015

Wisconsin Joins the National Assembly of Sportsmen’s Caucuses

The Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation (CSF) is pleased to announce the addition of the bipartisan Wisconsin Legislative Sportsmen’s Caucus, Chaired by Senators Terry Moulton and Mark Miller, and Representatives Joel Kleefisch and Nick Milroy, to the National Assembly of Sportsmen’s Caucuses (NASC). With the addition of the Wisconsin Caucus, the NASC network now includes legislative sportsmen’s caucuses in 45 states, with a combined membership of over 2,000 legislators.

Rep. Joel Kleefisch stated, “I am very excited to announce the formation of Wisconsin’s first ever sportsmen’s caucus. We have had widespread support and have established a roster of over 50, bipartisan members. Wisconsin has a long established tradition of hunting and fishing, and a widely held mission to support wildlife conservation. Our goal is to help advance these issues through our new caucus and to utilize the resources now available to us via the Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation.”

State sportsmen’s caucuses play a critical role in advancing the voice of sportsmen and women at the state level, and by creating more opportunities for educating and receiving input from the sportsmen’s community on policies affecting hunting, angling, recreational shooting, trapping, and other conservation issues.

“Wisconsin is home to some of the greatest hunting and fishing in the country.  I’m excited to join NASC to foster bipartisan ideas that will enhance our proud sporting heritage.” said Rep. Milroy. Sen. Miller added, “I look forward to working with my colleagues to promote and protect outdoor recreation opportunities throughout the state of Wisconsin.”

Staffed through CSF and guided by an Executive Council, NASC provides a host of services and facilitates communication between sportsmens’ caucuses throughout the nation. Since its creation in 2004, NASC has more than doubled in size and has become the most effective and recognized group of pro-sportsmen legislators in the nation.

“A connection with the great outdoors is something common to Wisconsinites of every political persuasion and from every corner of the state. Our caucus is bringing legislators together from both sides of the aisle to celebrate and advance our sporting heritage, and I’m hopeful that it serves as an avenue for finding common ground as we serve our state together,” said Sen. Moulton.

Studies conducted at both the state and federal level have found that the number of hunters and trappers have been on a generally declining trend over the past several decades. To increase recruitment, retention, and reactivation (R3) of hunters and trappers, which initiative do you think would have the greatest impact?

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