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Gary Cammack

Senator Gary Cammack was first elected in 2012 to serve the 29th District in the South Dakota State House of Representatives. In 2014, he was elected to the South Dakota State Senate. In 2015, he joined the South Dakota Legislative Sportsmen’s Caucus as Caucus Co-Chair to promote a pro-sportsmen’s legislation at the State Capitol in …

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John Thune

Growing up in Murdo, South Dakota, the heart of upland game bird country, bird hunting has long been a tradition for South Dakota Senator John Thune. Today, it is still one of his favorite outdoor activities, one he shares each year with family and friends. Thune is not alone with his passion for hunting, as …

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Mike Rounds

U.S Senator Mike Rounds (R-SD) is a lifelong sportsman. Like many South Dakotans, he is an avid outdoorsman who enjoys hunting, fishing and outdoor recreation. The Congressional Sportsmen’s Caucus was one of the first caucuses he joined upon taking office in 2015. As Governor of South Dakota, he helped establish the Governors Sportsmen Caucus, also …

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Todd Porter

First elected to the North Dakota State Assembly in 1998, Representative Todd Porter currently serves the state’s 34th District. As Chairman of the Energy and Natural Resources House Standing Committee, Representative Porter promotes pro-sportsmen’s legislation at the state capitol in Bismark, ND. In 2013, he joined the North Dakota Legislative Sportsmen’s Caucus as Caucus Co-Chair. …

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