December 15, 2023

CSC Members Garret Graves and Marc Veasey Introduce Legislation To Save Valuable Marine Fisheries Habitat

December 15, 2023 (Washington, DC) – Congressional Sportsmen’s Caucus (CSC) Vice-Chair Congressman Garret Graves and CSC Member and former CSC Chair Congressman Marc Veasey have introduced the Marine Fisheries Habitat Protection Act (H.R. 6814), priority legislation for CSF that will facilitate the conversion of decommissioned offshore oil and gas infrastructure that foster healthy reef ecosystems to state artificial reef programs.

“Where they exist, offshore oil and gas platforms are the catalyst for teeming reef fish communities and offer recreational anglers consistent, reliable fishing destinations,” said Chris Horton, Senior Director of Fisheries Policy for the Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation (CSF). “While some claim they are simply fish attractors and not producers, the value they provide for enhancing marine productivity and biodiversity is clear in the scientific literature. Unfortunately, we’re losing them at an alarming rate. It has been a pleasure to work with Representatives Graves and Veasey on the drafting of this legislation, and we very much appreciate their leadership in curbing that loss and ensuring we have the best opportunity to preserve these incredible fishing destinations for future generations.”

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