Why It Matters: Hunters are the backbone of conservation and to continue carrying that banner, new sportsmen and women must be exposed to the woods and fields. However, as fewer folks dress themselves in camouflage and orange, there are fewer to pass on our time-honored outdoor traditions to new generations. Allowing schools to instruct safe …
Summary Introduction Turkey “fanning” and “reaping” each use a decoy specifically designed for the taking of a wild turkey. Reaping allows the hunter to stalk the bird using a decoy and draws out more stubborn mature male birds due to the appearance of another dominant male. Fanning, however, uses a fan just as cover …
Fanning or Reaping as a Method of Taking Turkeys Read More »
Why It Matters: Michigan students that otherwise may have never been exposed to our time-honored outdoor traditions could soon sign up for an important elective: hunter education. Counting as both a credit towards graduation and the classroom requirement to obtain a Michigan hunting license, this standardized course stands to create lifelong hunters to join us …
Why It Matters: State fish and wildlife management agencies are charged with collecting data and using what has been collected to carry out science-based management decisions in the best interest of the resource. Because hunting is the preferred management tool for white-tailed deer, this can mean expanded hunting opportunities in areas with larger deer populations: …
Easy “Does” it: New Five-Dollar Antlerless Season Offered in Southern Michigan Read More »
Why It Matters: Each year, legislators look at ways to recognize and thank certain qualified individuals/groups by providing free and/or discounted licenses for hunting, fishing, and trapping. While this is well-intended, such legislation has the potential to reap deteriorative effects on the fish and wildlife agencies’ budgets. To prevent the loss of sportsmen-generate dollars for …
Michigan: American System of Conservation Funding Fact Sheet
Why It Matters: With hunter participation rates declining across the country, the Michigan Legislative Sportsmen’s Caucus enters 2024 with a partial fix on the docket: requiring that a model hunter safety course be created for schools to offer as an elective. Exposing students to firearm safety and hunting practices aims to recruit more young hunters …
Classroom to Crosshairs: Michigan Seeks to Include Hunter Safety in Education Curriculum Read More »
Why It Matters: Hunting and fishing are societal pillars in Michigan that have significant economic impacts. This legislative package serves to increase consumer confidence when contracting a hunting or fishing guide to pursue the State’s storied fish and wildlife species, while simultaneously increasing revenue and reporting data for the state’s fish and wildlife agency. Highlights: …
Michigan Legislature Passes Commercial Guiding Package After Nearly Decade-Long Effort Read More »
Why it Matters: The 2023 legislative sessions have brought several key changes to deer seasons in the Great Lakes region this year. Knowing the changes that have taken place to your state’s hunting laws and regulations is imperative to a successful season. Highlights: Although deer season is only a brief time of the year, legislation …
Does and Don’ts: Deer Season Updates in the Great Lakes States Read More »
Why It Matters: Early September often marks the return of year-round legislatures to their respective state capitols, and Lansing is no exception. Upon their return, Michigan legislators will be greeted with a handful of sporting bills – some that advance the interests of sportsmen and women, and some that do not. The Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation …
Michigan Legislature Returns to Session with Sporting Bills on the Docket Read More »