Summary Introduction The legal use of straight-walled rifle cartridges for deer hunting varies by state. In the last decade, ten states have allowed for the use of straight-walled rifle cartridges during their firearm deer season, many of which were previously limited to shotguns or slug guns. In 2014, Michigan allowed the use of straight-walled …
Why It Matters: State fish and wildlife management agencies are the best-equipped authority to make critical decisions surrounding fish and wildlife resources. However, when data changes, or there is a lack of observable data to justify prior decisions, they must be updated to reflect what is best for both the resource and the primary stakeholders …
Walleye Win: Harvest Increased on Minnesota’s Storied Mille Lacs Lake Read More »
Why It Matters: The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR), like all state fish and wildlife management agencies, relies in-part on revenue collected from hunting and fishing license sales. Recently introduced legislation would offer discounted fishing license fees to seniors while balancing this important pillar of conservation funding. Highlights: Legislators frequently introduce bills that would …
Minnesota: American System of Conservation Funding Fact Sheet
Why it Matters: The 2023 legislative sessions have brought several key changes to deer seasons in the Great Lakes region this year. Knowing the changes that have taken place to your state’s hunting laws and regulations is imperative to a successful season. Highlights: Although deer season is only a brief time of the year, legislation …
Does and Don’ts: Deer Season Updates in the Great Lakes States Read More »
Why It Matters: Across the United States, state fish and wildlife agencies make management decisions based on impacts to species at the population-level. Straying from this nearly universally practiced approach – particularly when creating a rule to prohibit lead ammunition, which is not readily available to meet the demands of sportsmen and women – may …
Why It Matters: In policymaking, omnibus legislation is the result of compromise between legislators from different parties and the legislative chambers advocation for a wide range of priorities. As Minnesota legislators negotiated the final version of the natural resource omnibus bill, the Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation (CSF) remained engaged with legislators to ensure that the best …
Minnesota Legislative Session Closes with Major Victories for Sportsmen and Women Read More »
Why It Matters: Prohibiting the use of lead fishing equipment in certain Minnesota waters is likely to have a negative impact on anglers’ ability to enjoy their favorite pastime, and it would also negatively impact revenue realized by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. Highlights: Minnesota House File 2310, the House Natural Resource budget bill, …
Why It Matters: Bills piling up on legislative calendars across the country means that hunters, anglers, recreational shooters, and trappers could see changes to their favorite pastimes. The Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation is committed to protecting our time-honored outdoor traditions through active engagement in the legislative process. Highlights: With legislative sessions across the country in full …
Why It Matters: Because alternative ammunition options are often more costly and limited or difficult for hunters to obtain, bans like the one recently repealed in Minnesota can create a barrier for participation. With fewer hunters able to participate, the crucial role that hunting plays in wildlife management is diminished, both in population control and …
Minnesota DNR Repeals Partial Lead Ammunition Ban Read More »