State: MO

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Incredibly Quiet Legislative Session Adjourns in the Show-Me State

Why It Matters: Throughout many Midwestern states, much of the low-hanging fruit has already been enacted for the benefit of sportsmen and women. However, these successes do not mean that the sporting-conservation community should rest on our laurels, and we must remain vigilant to emergent threats to our time-honored outdoor traditions. The Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation …

Incredibly Quiet Legislative Session Adjourns in the Show-Me State Read More »

Playing the Odds: Applications Open for Public Land Elk Permits and Elk and Black Bear Permits for Residents in Arkansas and Missouri, Respectively.

Why It Matters: When game populations are at a point where limited, regulated hunting opportunities are necessary for their management, state fish and wildlife agencies often develop a lottery system in which sportsmen and women apply for a limited number of tags or permits. In utilizing a lottery, states are able to manage the demand …

Playing the Odds: Applications Open for Public Land Elk Permits and Elk and Black Bear Permits for Residents in Arkansas and Missouri, Respectively. Read More »

Oh Deer! The Role of Hunters in Managing White-Tailed Deer Populations

Why it Matters: Generational differences in approaches to deer hunting, and deer herd management, often reflect the dominant management strategy in place when a certain generation began hunting. For many hunters who remember the “buck-only” days that dominated much of the 20th century, the idea of harvesting a doe can seem sacrilegious. However, given the …

Oh Deer! The Role of Hunters in Managing White-Tailed Deer Populations Read More »

Missouri Hunters Asked to Talk Turkey on Potential Regulatory Changes

Why it Matters: The opinions of hunters often play an important role in adjusting hunting regulations to achieve hunter satisfaction and, most importantly, meeting the conservation needs of culturally and economically important game species. Recent efforts to understand hunter perspectives in Missouri represent this notion in action, likely to result in positive changes for the …

Missouri Hunters Asked to Talk Turkey on Potential Regulatory Changes Read More »

License Fee Increases Enacted in Arkansas, Proposed in Missouri

Why It Matters: Through the “user pays – public benefits” American System of Conservation Funding, state fish and wildlife management agencies rely significantly on the sale of hunting and fishing licenses to support their conservation efforts. As the costs associated with these management activities continue to increase, periodic increases in licenses fees are necessary to …

License Fee Increases Enacted in Arkansas, Proposed in Missouri Read More »

Lower Midwest Legislative Sessions Adjourn, CSF Celebrates Victories, Prepares for 2024

Why It Matters: The conclusion of legislative sessions across the Lower Midwest provides an opportunity to reflect on the victories for sportsmen and women secured this year while taking inventory of the remaining challenges and opportunities that await us in the future. While the region did witness significant wins, thanks to the work of like-minded …

Lower Midwest Legislative Sessions Adjourn, CSF Celebrates Victories, Prepares for 2024 Read More »

Hunters Harvesting for the Holidays: Game Meat Donation Programs Can Fill Tables This Thanksgiving & Beyond

Why It Matters: Sportsmen and women are greatly responsible for the many American conservation successes through their funding of state agencies, an important role in wildlife population management. However, the contributions of sportsmen and sportswomen do not end with conservation funding. With the holiday season approaching, game meat donation programs serve as an opportunity for …

Hunters Harvesting for the Holidays: Game Meat Donation Programs Can Fill Tables This Thanksgiving & Beyond Read More »

Being the Bear-er of Good News: Second Annual Black Bear Season Opens in Missouri

Contact: Kent Keene, Assistant Manager, Lower Midwestern States and Agriculture Policy              Why It Matters: The recovery of wildlife in areas where they had been locally extirpated is worth celebrating. The return of a healthy population of black bears in the Show-Me State is an excellent example of this that all should appreciate. With that appreciation …

Being the Bear-er of Good News: Second Annual Black Bear Season Opens in Missouri Read More »

Missouri: Could Archery Become the Official State Sport?

Contact: Kent Keene, Senior Coordinator, Lower Midwestern States and Agriculture Policy Highlights Why it matters: Opportunities to celebrate activities related to our outdoor heritage are critical as we continue our work to protect and advance the rights of sportsmen and women to participate in hunting, angling, recreational shooting, and trapping. Archery, among the most time-honored …

Missouri: Could Archery Become the Official State Sport? Read More »

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