April 29, 2019

Alabama: Sportsmen’s Caucus Hosts Annual Luncheon

Contact: Bee Frederick, Southeastern States Director

On April 24, the Alabama Legislative Sportsmen’s Caucus hosted its annual luncheon on the Capitol Lawn. Organized by the Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation (CSF), the event brought together over 400 people including legislators, legislative and state executive staff, members of the conservation community, outdoor industry leaders, and Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR) representatives to promote positive impacts hunting and angling provide in Alabama.

CSF Southeastern States Director Bee Frederick organized and emceed the event. This annual event provides a venue for policy makers to hear directly from the DCNR and sportsmen’s organizations about important conservation issues.

In addition to CSF and DCNR, other partner conservation organizations hosted display tables to promote their important work. Groups included: Alabama Black Belt Adventures Association, Alabama Bass Trail, Alabama Mountain Lakes Tourism Association, Alabama Wildlife Federation, American Kennel Club, Auburn University School of Forestry and Wildlife Sciences, Coastal Conservation Association, Ducks Unlimited, Hunting Works for Alabama, National Wild Turkey Federation, Polaris, Quail Forever, Renew our Rivers, Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, University of Montevallo Outdoors Scholars Program, and the USDA-Wildlife Services. Representatives from the Alabama Conservation Advisory Board also attended.

Lieutenant Governor Will Ainsworth welcomed attendees and Representative Danny Crawford spoke about the recent resurgence of the Sportsmen’s Caucus in Alabama. “The Alabama Legislative Sportsmen’s Caucus continues to establish itself as a formal entity within the statehouse. I am honored to serve as the Chairman in the House and look forward to the continued growth of the Caucus as we provide a voice for sportsmen in the statehouse as well as provide education and information to legislators on issues important to sportsmen and women.”

DCNR Commissioner Chris Blankenship also addressed the group, thanking legislators and partners for their commitment to supporting sportsmen’s issues. “Hunting, fishing, and outdoor recreation are true economic drivers for the state of Alabama. From the Gulf Coast, through the Black Belt to North Alabama, our state is blessed with abundant natural resources. DCNR is proud to support the annual Sportsmen’s Caucus Luncheon and appreciates the commitment to conservation exhibited by the various groups in attendance. We are excited to see the recent growth of the Sportsmen’s Caucus and look forward to continuing to work with them on issues impacting our natural resources.”

Formally established in 2009, the current Alabama Legislative Sportsmen’s Caucus leadership in the House includes: Chairman Representative Danny Crawford, Vice-Chairman Representative Mike Jones, and an Executive Committee including Representatives Joe Lovvorn, Rodney Sullivan, and Tim Wadsworth.

On the Senate side, leaders include: Senator Del Marsh and Senator Clay Scofield. The Caucus currently boasts over 80 members and has additional policy meetings planned for this session.

Rep. Danny Crawford

Studies conducted at both the state and federal level have found that the number of hunters and trappers have been on a generally declining trend over the past several decades. To increase recruitment, retention, and reactivation (R3) of hunters and trappers, which initiative do you think would have the greatest impact?

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