September 20, 2022

California Natural Resources Agency to Host 30×30 Partnership Event

Why It Matters: The Thirty by Thirty (30×30) Initiative is a global initiative started by the environmental community that seeks to protect the earth’s biodiversity and address climate change by protecting 30% of the planet’s lands and waters by the year 2030. 30×30 proposals were originally linked to global land and water protected area targets established by the United Nation’s Convention on Biological Diversity. The sportsmen’s community created the original roadmap for natural resource conservation in the United States and is not opposed to 30×30 efforts, but to build broad support, 30×30 initiatives must (1) apply a uniform definition and categorization of protected areas and (2) conduct a baseline inventory of lands and waters already protected.


  • On September 28, the California Natural Resources Agency (CRNA) will host a 30×30 Partnership Kick-Off event following the release of their Final Pathways to 30×30 Strategy.
  • As America’s original conservationists, it’s important the outdoor sporting community continues to ensure that all 30×30 efforts recognize the positive role that hunting and angling play in conservation. Legislators, non-profit organizations, and the public are encouraged to the attend the kick-off event, which will take place both virtually and in-person starting at 9:30am.
  • The Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation has been involved in policy efforts surrounding 30×30 at both the national and state level—leading the Hunting and Fishing Community Statement on the 30 by 30 Initiative and advocating for important inclusions in the CNRA Final Pathways Strategy.

Following the release of the California Natural Resources Agency’s Final Pathways to 30×30 Strategy, the agency will be convening a Partnership Kick-Off Event for community engagement on their policy. The Kick- Off Event will take place on September 28 at 9:30am and can be attended in person at the CNRA Headquarters in Sacramento or virtually. Additional information on the event, along with the scheduled agenda, can be found here. Legislators, non-profit organizations, and the public are all encouraged to attend to ensure the contributions made by sportsmen and women to conservation continue to be recognized in current and future 30×30 efforts.

As America’s original conservationists, the hunting and fishing community has proactively supported strategic efforts to conserve our nation’s terrestrial, freshwater, and marine ecosystems for more than a century. When conservation is appropriately defined, well-managed, sustainable hunting and fishing can be consistent with 30×30’s conservation goals and provide a financial catalyst for achieving the biodiversity goals through the American System of Conservation Funding.  For example, California’s sportsmen and women contribute tens of millions of dollars to the California Department of Fish and Wildlife in each year, providing vital revenue to help carry out their mission of managing the state’s diverse fish and wildlife, and the habitats upon which they depend. These funds are generated through fishing and hunting license sales, and also through the purchase of sporting-related goods under the Pittman-Robertson Act.

To help ensure these contributions are recognized, the Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation has been actively advocating that all 30×30 policies, whether at the federal or state level, must (1) apply a uniform definition and categorization of protected areas and (2) conduct a baseline inventory of lands and waters already protected. In development of the CNRA’s Final Pathways to 30×30 document, the CSF advocated for the agency to recognize the contributions made by California’s sportsmen and women, including the positive role that hunting and fishing play in conservation throughout the state. Additionally, CSF has joined with partner organizations to submit a coalition letter requesting the agency to recognize California’s existing protected areas when measuring progress towards goals, and to ensure that all protected areas definitions allow for well-managed and sustainable wildlife-dependent activities. Given the uncertainty that 30×30 policies may pose for hunting and fishing access, and ultimately for conservation, CSF will continue to have a seat at the table and advocate for objective, science-driven and stakeholder engaged policies.

Studies conducted at both the state and federal level have found that the number of hunters and trappers have been on a generally declining trend over the past several decades. To increase recruitment, retention, and reactivation (R3) of hunters and trappers, which initiative do you think would have the greatest impact?

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