August 26, 2024

Good News in the Golden State: California Outdoor Sporting Caucus Hosts Successful Event and a Key Water Quality Bill Passes

Article Contact: Barry Snell,

Why It Matters: Legislators, particularly those with a passion for our shared outdoor pursuits, are typically flooded each day with opposition to and attacks against the things they do. Events that bring sportsmen and women together with legislators to celebrate our hunting, fishing, trapping, and shooting traditions in a positive environment are an effective way to not only educate them about our beliefs but also to show them that we’re engaged.


  • Approximately 50 sportsmen and women gathered in Sacramento, on Tuesday, August 13, 2024, to speak with members of the California Outdoor Sporting Caucus while enjoying some food, drinks, and fellowship together.
  • The event was preceded by California Waterfowl Association’s (CWA) annual lobby day, as well as the Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation (CSF) and other in-state partners spending several days at the Capitol speaking with legislators about the Sporting Caucus, ACR 182, and other interests of the sporting community.

The news for sportsmen and women coming out of California is often bad, so this year’s Caucus Reception was another welcome day of fellowship and celebration in the capital city. On a typical beautiful California afternoon, around 50 sportsmen and women gathered at a Sacramento restaurant to speak with legislators who support them and their issues. Several of the Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation’s in-state partners also spoke to everyone about the good work being done to protect and advance hunting, fishing, trapping, and shooting issues, and how California’s abundant wildlife resources are being managed.

Seven caucus members joined with in-state partners for this celebration of our shared outdoor heritage.  August is the final month before the end-of-year recess and legislators are busier than ever trying to finish up legislation, so this strong attendance by key members of the Sporting Caucus is a sign of how important our issues are to them and California’s sportsmen and women.

The reception was preceded by California Waterfowl Association’s (CWA) annual lobby day.  Several members of CWA spent the day in the capitol office building, going door-to-door, advocating for pro-sportsmen legislation.  The reception was also the culmination of several days’ worth of advocacy by CSF and other in-state partners, speaking to Caucus members about Caucus engagement in the next year and urging them to vote in favor of the Caucus-led ACR 182, which is legislation that directs the California legislature to consider and enact waterway pollution mitigation measures in upcoming legislative sessions.

The effort turned out to be successful as just a few days later, the California Legislature passed ACR 182 by a wide margin.  As reported earlier, this legislation is a launching point for future legislation that will help ensure the conservation of ocean resources and protect the future of fishing in California.  We’re excited to be able to report on these future successes in America’s most challenging state for our issues.

CSF extends its thanks to all who attended this annual event, and we look forward to seeing everyone again next year.

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