April 29, 2019

Colorado: Caucus Hosts Sportsmen’s Day at the Capitol

Contact: Andy Treharne, Senior Director Western States

On April 18, the Colorado Legislative Sportsmen’s Caucus hosted this year’s edition of Sportsmen’s Day at the Capitol, welcoming sporting conservation community members from across the Centennial State.

Sportsmen’s Day at the Capitol kicked off with Caucus Co-Chairs Representatives Jeni Arndt and Jim Wilson inviting sportsmen and women to join them on the House floor for a tribute recognizing the many and varied contributions hunters and anglers make through the American System of Conservation Funding. In addition, Rep. Arndt encouraged her colleagues to “supplement their summer fun” by buying hunting and fishing licenses from Colorado Parks and Wildlife staff, who were available on-site at the Capitol to purchasing licenses.

The Caucus hosted a cookout on the Capitol lawn featuring elk burgers and elk cheddar dogs donated by Steve’s Meat Market in Arvada as well as famous Sportsmen’s Caucus hot dogs from Scanga Meat Company in Salida. Altogether, the event provided lunch to approximately 250 attendees in celebration of Colorado’s outdoor heritage.

Long-time Caucus supporter Dan Gates recognized Reps. Arndt and Wilson by presenting them with an award for their commitment to working with Colorado’s hunters, anglers, recreational shooters and trappers, and advancing the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation in the Colorado General Assembly.

Sportsmen’s community supporters of Sportsmen’s Day at the Capitol included Backcountry Hunters and Anglers, Colorado Bowhunters Association, Colorado Outfitters Association, Coloradans for Responsible Wildlife Management, Colorado Trappers and Predator Hunters Association, Ducks Unlimited, Mule Deer Foundation, National Shooting Sports Foundation, National Wildlife Federation, National Wild Turkey Federation Pheasants Forever / Quail Forever, Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation and SCI.

Left to right: Dan Gates, Rep. Arndt, Andy Treharne, Rep. Wilson

Studies conducted at both the state and federal level have found that the number of hunters and trappers have been on a generally declining trend over the past several decades. To increase recruitment, retention, and reactivation (R3) of hunters and trappers, which initiative do you think would have the greatest impact?

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