May 15, 2023

Colorado’s Sportsmen’s Day at the Capitol Draws Hundreds

Colorado State Capitol Building

Why It Matters: While it may seem obvious to some, the unrivaled contributions of sportspeople to the conservation of wildlife and their habitats may not be widely understood by some in the general public. By hosting Sportsmen’s Day at the Capitol and adopting SJR23-0009, the Colorado Legislative Sportsmen’s Caucus is working to ensure that more people will begin to understand that sportspeople are conservationists and care deeply for the sustainability of wildlife, along with our time-honored traditions. CSF was proud to play a significant role in hosting Colorado Sportsmen’s Day at the Capitol and applauds the Colorado Legislative Sportsmen’s Caucus and its Co-Chairs for taking a strong stance this session in support of Colorado’s wildlife and our time-honored outdoor traditions.


  • Colorado Legislative Sportsmen Caucus Co-Chairs Sen. Will, Sen. Roberts, Rep. Lynch and Rep. McLachlan sponsored Senate Joint Resolution (SJR) 23-0009, proclaiming April 27th as Sportsmen’s Day.
  • In celebration of Sportsmen’s Day, the Colorado Legislative Sportsmen’s Caucused hosted a wild game cook-out that served several hundred hungry hunters, anglers, trappers, recreational shooters, and supporters.
  • Sportsmen’s Day at the Capitol helps Colorado’s outdoor sporting community remain visible and relevant within the legislature where critical decisions are being made that directly impact our shared outdoor heritage.

On Thursday, April 27, 2023, the Colorado Legislative Sportsmen’s Caucus hosted Sportsmen’s Day at the Capitol in recognition of the countless contributions of sportspeople to the conservation of wildlife and their habitats in the state. Earlier in the day, several in-state sporting conservation organizations were recognized on both the Colorado House and Senate Floor prior to the final adoption SJR23-0009. Upon its adoption, the Colorado Legislative Sportsmen’s Caucus hosted a wild game cook-out in celebration of April 27, 2023, being designated as Sportsmen’s Day in Colorado.

Over the course of several hours, over 500 people attended the event on the East Lawn of the Golden Dome, enjoying a smorgasbord of wild game, including hot dogs, hamburgers, and brats. However, the crowd favorite seemed to be the rocky mountain oysters, a special request of Colorado Legislative Sportsmen’s Caucus Co-Chair Senator Will to highlight the importance of continued collaboration between Colorado’s outdoor sporting community and agriculture interests on private lands.

CSF would like to thank all the Colorado Sportsmen’s Day at the Capitol sponsors and volunteers, as the event would not have been possible without their support. Furthermore, CSF would like to express its sincere gratitude to all the individuals who took time out of their busy day to attend the event and sit down with their fellow sportspersons in support of hunters, anglers, trappers, recreational shooters, and wildlife conservation.

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