February 3, 2025

Colorado Sportsmen’s Caucus Comes Together for Reception and Celebration

Article Contact: Barry Snell,

Why It Matters: Legislators, particularly those with a passion for our shared outdoor pursuits, are typically flooded each day with opposition to and attacks against the things they do. Events that bring sportspeople together with legislators to celebrate our hunting, fishing, trapping, and shooting traditions in a positive environment are an effective way to not only educate them about our beliefs but also to show them that we’re engaged.


  • All four bipartisan Co-Chairs and nearly every member of the Colorado Legislative Sportsmen’s Caucus (Caucus) attended this year’s annual Caucus Reception on Tuesday, January 28, 2025, gathering in Denver with sporting-conservation groups from across the state and country to celebrate the defeat of Proposition 127 and look forward to the future, while enjoying food, drinks, and fellowship together.
  • The event was preceded by the Colorado Wildlife Conservation Project (CWCP) Annual Winter Retreat, during which members of the coalition discussed how to continue the forward momentum in the state and work to protect and advance the interests of sportspeople.

The news coming out of Colorado for sportspeople is often bad these days, so this year’s Caucus Reception was a welcome day of fellowship and celebration. Nearly the entire Colorado Legislative Sportsmen’s Caucus was in attendance at the annual Caucus Reception, including all four Co-Chairs. Several other members of the legislature who were curious and interested in the Caucus also attended, along with dozens of legislative staffers, agency staff, and many representatives of state and national hunting-conservation NGOs. Even former legislators who were members of the Caucus were in attendance, and the crowd was standing room only once the speeches began.

CWCP Chairman Gaspar Perricone, Coloradans for Responsible Wildlife Management (CRWM) President Dan Gates, and Barry Snell with the Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation (CSF) thanked everyone for their support, and spoke to the room about the good work being done to protect and advance hunting, fishing, trapping, and shooting issues, and how Colorado’s abundant wildlife resources are being managed.

Caucus attendance this year was higher than previous years. The monumental defeat of Proposition 127 back in November has energized the Caucus, sporting-conservation groups, and sportspeople alike, and everyone is eager to keep the momentum going in this state which is increasingly tough for our issues. Even more telling is the fact that the Colorado legislative session has recently kicked off and legislators are busier now than at any other time of the year. Seeing the interest from the Caucus and other legislators is a sign of how important our issues are to them and Colorado’s sportspeople.

The reception was preceded by the CWCP annual winter retreat. Most members of the CWCP spent the day reviewing the successes and failures of the Prop 127 opposition campaign, discussing this year’s legislation affecting Colorado’s sportspeople, and ways to improve and expand the operation of the coalition. The meeting concluded with a new plan of action in development.

CSF extends its thanks to all who attended this annual event, and we look forward to seeing everyone again next year.

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