June 29, 2018

CSF Hosts 5th Annual Wine, Wings & Wildlife

By Soren Nelson, Pacific Southwest States Coordinator

On June 21 and 22, the Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation (CSF) hosted the 5th annual Wine, Wings & Wildlife western regional event in Sonoma, California. The event brought together members of the sportsmen’s community from across the West for a reception and dinner at the Barn of Tyge William Cellars, followed by a sporting clays competition at the Wing & Barrel Ranch.

“CSF works closely with the California Outdoor Sporting Caucus and a wide range of sportsmen’s groups to protect and enhance opportunities for Californians to enjoy their outdoor traditions,” said CSF President Jeff Crane. “This event is a great opportunity to celebrate the many contributions of California’s sportsmen and women, while also generating the needed resources to advance awareness of the benefits that hunting and angling provide for all the people of California.”     

The event featured CSF’s newest Ambassadors, Jules McQueen and Dan Harrison. California Senator Bill Dodd was also in attendance on behalf of the California Outdoor Sporting Caucus.

“Wine, Wings & Wildlife continues to be a successful event because people recognize the important role that CSF plays in ensuring that sportsmen and women in California and across the country are able to continue participating in our outdoor heritage,” said Darius Anderson, CEO of Wing & Barrel Ranch and CSF Chairman’s Club member.

California’s sportsmen and women spend $3.5 billion annually on their hunting and fishing pursuits, and contributed $125 million in 2017 through the purchase of hunting and fishing licenses and excise taxes paid on sporting equipment, which is directed to the American System of Conservation Funding.

Studies conducted at both the state and federal level have found that the number of hunters and trappers have been on a generally declining trend over the past several decades. To increase recruitment, retention, and reactivation (R3) of hunters and trappers, which initiative do you think would have the greatest impact?

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