On Tuesday, January 21, CSF Western States Manager Andy Treharne joined state fish and wildlife agency experts, outdoor industry leaders and members of the sportsmen’s community in Denver, Colorado to discuss the future of hunter and recreational shooter recruitment and retention during a gathering of the Council to Advance the Hunting and Shooting Sports. As a member of the Council, CSF collaborates with other pro-hunting and shooting stakeholders to develop comprehensive and sustainable strategies for maintaining our nation’s outdoor heritage.
CSF and the Council both recognize the importance of promoting outdoor traditions as a foundational component of the American System of Conservation Funding, which recognizes that hunters, anglers, recreational shooters and associated industries generate the bulk of funding for fish and wildlife conservation in the United States.
Currently, the Council and its partners are in the process of developing a strategy to unify, improve and monitor the wide variety of hunter and shooter recruitment and retention programs that exist throughout the country. This strategy seeks to improve the ability of state agencies, sportsmen’s organizations and the industry to develop programs which will be the most effective as we collectively promote our outdoor heritage to future generations of hunters and shooters.
To learn more about the Council to Advance the Hunting and Shooting Sports and its work, please visit: http://shootingcouncil.org/
Studies conducted at both the state and federal level have found that the number of hunters and trappers have been on a generally declining trend over the past several decades. To increase recruitment, retention, and reactivation (R3) of hunters and trappers, which initiative do you think would have the greatest impact?