March 24, 2016

New Hampshire: Caucus Shoot at Sig Sauer and Advancement of Suppressor Legislation

On March 7, members of the New Hampshire Legislative Sportsmen’s Caucus (Caucus) attended a suppressor demonstration at Sig Sauer Academy in Epping, New Hampshire. The event offered an opportunity to educate members of the Caucus on firearm suppressors. The educational demonstration came just two days prior to a hearing on HB 500 (a bill allowing suppressors for hunting purposes) in the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, where it was reported out by a unanimous 4-0 vote.

On March 17, HB 500 cleared the Senate, by a unanimous 23-0 vote, and now heads back to the House for concurrence.

Following the suppressor demonstration, attendees traveled to Newington, New Hampshire and toured Sig Sauer’s manufacturing facility where they were provided with a deeper understanding of the significant and positive economic impact the company has on New Hampshire’s economy.

The American Suppressor Association and Sig Sauer supported the New Hampshire Legislative Sportsmen’s Caucus and assisted the Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation in organizing and hosting the educational shoot and tour for Caucus members. 

Studies conducted at both the state and federal level have found that the number of hunters and trappers have been on a generally declining trend over the past several decades. To increase recruitment, retention, and reactivation (R3) of hunters and trappers, which initiative do you think would have the greatest impact?

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