September 9, 2024

The Sportsmen’s Voice Podcast Celebrates 1 year on the Airwaves!

Article Contact: Fred Bird,

Why It Matters: In September of 2023, the Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation (CSF) took to the “on-demand” airwaves with the launch of, The Sportsmen’s Voice podcast, the audio companion of the weekly newsletter, The Sportsmen’s Voice (TSV). Recognizing CSF and its caucuses have a giant story to tell, the TSV podcast was green lit to tell our story, highlight the work of the CSF team and our caucus members, and to serve as a resource for legislators and the public alike on CSF policy positions supported by expert guests, detailed context, and arguments for or against policy affecting the sporting community. TSV podcast offers a biweekly feature presentation deep-diving a particular topic, along with our weekly TSV Roundup, where we bring our audience timely conservation news from around the nation!


  • CSF is celebrating our 1-year anniversary of The Sportsmen’s Voice podcast.
  • In March 2024, TSV news update became a stand-alone show, The Sportsmen’s Voice Roundup. A weekly look at news from the Hill and around the nation.
  • The TSV biweekly feature showcases leaders from the Congressional Sportsmen’s Caucus (CSC), Governors Sportsmen’s Caucus (GSC), State Legislative Sportsmen’s Caucuses, industry partners, and notable figures from the sporting community.
  • TSV podcast serves to educate, tell the CSF story, and act as a resource for elected officials and the public.

Last week, CSF celebrated the 1-year anniversary of, The Sportsmen’s Voice podcast! In September of 2023, CSF took to the “on-demand” airwaves with the launch of, The Sportsmen’s Voice podcast, the audio companion of the weekly e-pub, The Sportsmen’s Voice. Hosted by CSF’s Fred Bird, listeners can tune in every Wednesday for the TSV Roundup, a weekly news recap from across the nation, and every other Thursday for our feature TSV podcasts where we host prominent figures from the conservation world to discuss priority issues and current issues effecting today’s sportsmen and women.

Since hunters and anglers sat around campfires for survival and recreation, there has always been an element of storytelling embedded in our pursuits and traditions. From recapping a recent trip into the wilds, exchanging knowledge, to the passing down of historical traditions, the sporting community has important stories to tell. That is no different at CSF. Whether it be stories of advocacy from Capitol Hill, or working with the 2,400 plus state legislators counted as members of CSF’s National Assembly of Sportsmen’s Caucuses, the work being done in on Capitol Hill and across state capitals affects all of us in the sporting community. The Sportsmen’s Voice podcast is one of the vehicles we tell our story through, while simultaneously using the platform as an educational resource for legislators and the listening public to better understand policy positions. It also allows CSF to showcase community stakeholders and notable leaders from the conservation and sporting communities.

CSF looks forward to another year of providing the audience with entertaining, timely, and relevant discussions full of detailed content for all listeners. The Sportsmen’s Voice podcast can be downloaded from your favorite podcast platform(s) and all are encouraged to share this valuable resource far and wide. Be sure to tune in in the coming weeks to hear from, GSC Chair, New Hampshire Governor, Chris Sununu, Johnny Morris, the legendary Founder and Lead Outfitter of Bass Pro Shops, and many entertaining CSF event recaps, sure to entertain with personalities from the conservation community, as well as personalities from inside (and outside) the Beltway!

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