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Conservation Reserve Program: Changing the Narrative Around One of Our Most Important Programs for Wildlife and Conservation

By: Kent Keene, Senior Coordinator, Lower Midwestern States and Agriculture Policy As a hunter, I will never forget my first experience hunting farms enrolled in the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) and the thrill that came with bagging my first wild pheasant. Though we were pursuing white-tailed deer, we heard there were pheasants in this particular …

Conservation Reserve Program: Changing the Narrative Around One of Our Most Important Programs for Wildlife and Conservation Read More »

Tax Season Means Fighting for New Hampshire’s Shooting Preserves and Sporting Dog Kennels

Contact: Joe Mullin, Assistant Manager, Northeastern States Earlier this morning, the Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation’s (CSF) Joe Mullin, Assistant Manager, Northeastern States, testified during a New Hampshire House Municipal and County Government Committee in opposition to House Bill 467 (HB 467). This proposed legislation intended to amend the current use taxation law to exclude “farm land or …

Tax Season Means Fighting for New Hampshire’s Shooting Preserves and Sporting Dog Kennels Read More »

Science Trumps Emotion on Misguided Attempt to Ban Soft Plastic Lures in Maine

Contact: Joe Mullin, Assistant Manager, Northeastern States On February 17, the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife (MDIFW) provided an update for the Committee on Inland Fisheries and Wildlife regarding the report on Legislative Document (LD) 695, “An Act to Require Biodegradable Hooks and Lures for Freshwater Fishing.” As previously reported, LD 695 was …

Science Trumps Emotion on Misguided Attempt to Ban Soft Plastic Lures in Maine Read More »

Anti-Gun Legislation in New Mexico Would Make it Illegal to Teach your Kids to Shoot

Contact: Ellary TuckerWilliams, Inter-Mountain Western States Senior Coordinator New Mexico Senate Bill 224 – Crime of Failure to Secure Firearm (SB 224) would make it illegal for children under 12 years of age to access or handle a firearm, period. Additionally, any child 12 to 18-years-old would not be allowed to handle or have access …

Anti-Gun Legislation in New Mexico Would Make it Illegal to Teach your Kids to Shoot Read More »

Sportsmen Must Have a Say in Colorado Wolf Introduction

Contact: Ellary TuckerWilliams, Inter-Mountain Western States Coordinator On January 7, the Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation (CSF) submitted a comment letter to the Colorado Parks and Wildlife Commission (Commission), urging the Commission to take its time with the implementation of Proposition 114 – Introduction of Wolves on the Western Slope – to ensure a comprehensive, inclusive and …

Sportsmen Must Have a Say in Colorado Wolf Introduction Read More »

Bill to Define Liability Standards for Prescribed Burning Pre-Filed in Missouri

Contact: Kent Keene, Lower Midwestern States Coordinator On December 8, Representative-Elect Tim Taylor pre-filed House Bill 369 (HB 369), titled the “Prescribed Burning Act,” ahead of the upcoming 2021 legislative session. HB 369 seeks to formally define the liability standards that landowners must meet when using prescribed fire on their property. Currently, the liability standards …

Bill to Define Liability Standards for Prescribed Burning Pre-Filed in Missouri Read More »

Hunting, Fishing Groups Release Statement on 30 by 30 Concept

October 19, 2020 (WASHINGTON, D.C.) – Today, the nation’s leading hunting, fishing, and habitat conservation organizations released a statement on the Thirty by Thirty Initiative (30 by 30 Initiative) to establish a goal of placing 30% of the planet’s lands and waters under protected status by the year 2030. Given the historic and ongoing role that hunters and …

Hunting, Fishing Groups Release Statement on 30 by 30 Concept Read More »

Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department Votes in Unanimous Support of Electronic Reporting of Big Game

Contact: Brent Miller, Senior Director, Northeastern States and States Program Administrator On October 7, the Vermont Fish and Wildlife Board convened for a virtual meeting, during which the Board voted in unanimous support for 20-P017 – a proposed rule to authorize the Commissioner of the Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department to implement the electronic reporting …

Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department Votes in Unanimous Support of Electronic Reporting of Big Game Read More »

Gulf of Mexico Great Red Snapper Count Reveals Significant Problems with Federal Management

On October 1, the preliminary results of what has been called “The Great Red Snapper Count” were presented to Congress, and as expected by many, revealed that there are far more red snapper in the Gulf of Mexico than the current system of federal stock assessments estimates. Led by the Harte Research Institute, the “Great …

Gulf of Mexico Great Red Snapper Count Reveals Significant Problems with Federal Management Read More »

Asian Carp Advisory Commission Established in Tennessee

Contact: John Culclasure, Southeastern States Assistant Director On September 23, Governor Sportsmen’s Caucus Member Governor Bill Lee signed Executive Order No. 2 to establish the Asian Carp Advisory Commission (Commission). The purpose of the Commission is to address and mitigate the spread of invasive Asian carp (bighead, black, grass, and silver) in Tennessee’s waterways to …

Asian Carp Advisory Commission Established in Tennessee Read More »

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