Fred joined the Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation (CSF) in April 2023 and serves as the Manager, Eastern States. Fred oversees CSF’s policy and event efforts in 13 states from the Virginias to Maine. He works closely with state legislative sportsmen caucuses in the National Assembly of Sportsmen’s Caucuses, and members of the Governors Sportsmen’s Caucus in Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont.
Fred is also the host of, The Sportsmen’s Voice podcast, CSF’s official podcast. Listen every Wednesday for the TSV Roundup, a weekly news recap from across the nation. Tune in every other Thursday for our feature TSV podcasts where we host prominent figures from the conservation world to discuss priority issues and current issues effecting today’s sportsmen and women.
Prior to joining CSF Fred worked for the National Wild Turkey Federation (NWTF), serving as the organization’s Social Media Manager, host of the NWTF’s official podcast, Turkey Call All Access, and early in his career, the New England Regional Director.
Fred is an active-duty United States Air Force veteran serving 1999 to 2005. Fred saw a time in the Persian Gulf region as well as serving in Operation Enduring Freedom in the Afghan area of operation.
Fred is a passionate turkey hunter and looks forward to each spring as if it was his first as he sets his sights on visiting and harvesting a bird in all 49 states where you can legally harvest a wild turkey
Fred also enjoys spending his time with his children and wife in the wilderness of New England.