State: AR

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Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders Joins Governors Sportsmen’s Caucus

Why It Matters: Often the last line of defense against attempts to undermine our time-honored outdoor traditions, the Governors Sportsmen’s Caucus (GSC) is a critical component of the Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation’s (CSF) three-pronged approach to our mission. By joining the Governors Sportsmen’s Caucus, Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders once again demonstrates both her personal passion for …

Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders Joins Governors Sportsmen’s Caucus Read More »

Arkansas General Assembly Approves Budget for Game and Fish Commission

Why It Matters: Despite the need for additional conversations surrounding recent management decisions made by the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission, the Arkansas General Assembly returned for a brief special session which saw them approve the Commission’s budget without much debate. This move ensures that the Commission can carry out their mission as they transition …

Arkansas General Assembly Approves Budget for Game and Fish Commission Read More »

Arkansas Governor Calls Special Session to Fund Arkansas Game and Fish Commission

Why It Matters: Despite the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission (AGFC) being one of a handful of state fish and wildlife agencies whose authority is vested via the state’s Constitution, the agency’s budget is still subject to approval by the General Assembly. After adjourning their fiscal session without approving a budget for the AGFC, Governor …

Arkansas Governor Calls Special Session to Fund Arkansas Game and Fish Commission Read More »

Playing the Odds: Applications Open for Public Land Elk Permits and Elk and Black Bear Permits for Residents in Arkansas and Missouri, Respectively.

Why It Matters: When game populations are at a point where limited, regulated hunting opportunities are necessary for their management, state fish and wildlife agencies often develop a lottery system in which sportsmen and women apply for a limited number of tags or permits. In utilizing a lottery, states are able to manage the demand …

Playing the Odds: Applications Open for Public Land Elk Permits and Elk and Black Bear Permits for Residents in Arkansas and Missouri, Respectively. Read More »

It Just Comes Natural: Arkansas Invests in Private Lands Conservation

Why It Matters: Building on the Midwest’s recent themes surrounding voluntary conservation opportunities for private landowners, Arkansas’ recent investment of $3.5 million in the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission’s 2023 Conservation Incentive Program highlights the steps that states are taking to promote the conservation of our nation’s public trust resources on private property. In states …

It Just Comes Natural: Arkansas Invests in Private Lands Conservation Read More »

License Fee Increases Enacted in Arkansas, Proposed in Missouri

Why It Matters: Through the “user pays – public benefits” American System of Conservation Funding, state fish and wildlife management agencies rely significantly on the sale of hunting and fishing licenses to support their conservation efforts. As the costs associated with these management activities continue to increase, periodic increases in licenses fees are necessary to …

License Fee Increases Enacted in Arkansas, Proposed in Missouri Read More »

Free Fishing Weekends Across Midwest Provide Quality Opportunities to Experience the Outdoors

Why It Matters: Though license fees are often among the more affordable items needed to participate in many of our time-honored outdoor traditions, they are at times considered to be a barrier to participation. To alleviate some of these perceived hurdles, free fishing weekends are just one of the many opportunities afforded to those interested …

Free Fishing Weekends Across Midwest Provide Quality Opportunities to Experience the Outdoors Read More »

Lower Midwest Legislative Sessions Adjourn, CSF Celebrates Victories, Prepares for 2024

Why It Matters: The conclusion of legislative sessions across the Lower Midwest provides an opportunity to reflect on the victories for sportsmen and women secured this year while taking inventory of the remaining challenges and opportunities that await us in the future. While the region did witness significant wins, thanks to the work of like-minded …

Lower Midwest Legislative Sessions Adjourn, CSF Celebrates Victories, Prepares for 2024 Read More »

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