State: CA

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AB 3030 Shelved for 2020 in California

Contact: Aoibheann Cline, Western States Coordinator The sportsmen’s community is celebrating last week’s decision by the California Senate Appropriations Committee to hold Assembly Bill (AB) 3030 for the remainder of session. AB 3030 posed a serious threat to access for hunting, fishing and outdoor recreation.  AB 3030 aimed to protect 30 percent of California’s lands …

AB 3030 Shelved for 2020 in California Read More »

CSF Western States Coordinator, Aoibheann Cline, featured on Fish with JD TV

On June 17, Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation’s Western States Coordinator Aoibheann Cline was featured on Fish with JD TV YouTube Channel. Cline discussed an alarming new bill in California and the California striped bass slot limit proposal. AB 3030, a newly proposed bill in Califorina, could lead to more hunting and fishing closures in the state, …

CSF Western States Coordinator, Aoibheann Cline, featured on Fish with JD TV Read More »

California: Bad 30×30 Bill Will Lead to More Hunting and Fishing Closures

Contact: Aoibheann Cline, Western States Coordinator The California legislature is considering a bill to protect at least 30% of the state’s lands and waters by 2030, which includes all terrestrial, freshwater and marine environments. The management directive in this legislation is misguided and will have a detrimental impact on hunters and anglers through diminished public …

California: Bad 30×30 Bill Will Lead to More Hunting and Fishing Closures Read More »

California: CDFW Authorizes Online Hunter Education Courses

Contact: Aoibheann Cline, Western States Coordinator There has never been a better time to get into hunting in California. The California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) is temporarily allowing new hunters to complete their education requirements entirely online. COVID-19 has restricted in-person gatherings, and an in-person class is part of the normal requirements for …

California: CDFW Authorizes Online Hunter Education Courses Read More »

California: Ammunition Background Check Invalidated in Court

Contact: Aoibheann Cline, Western States Coordinator On April 23, a federal court in California put a halt to California’s ammunition background check requirements declaring, “Accordingly, the Court enjoins the State of California from enforcing the ammunition sales background check provisions” found in the California Penal Code. The Court’s grant of this injunction is a strong …

California: Ammunition Background Check Invalidated in Court Read More »

California: Conservation Partners Weigh-in on Fish and Game Commissions Strategic Plan Update

Contact: Aoibheann Cline, Western States Coordinator  On April 13, California’s conservation community stepped up to the plate on behalf of hunters and anglers in the Golden State by advocating for inclusion of the sportsmen’s community’s priorities in the Fish and Game Commission’s (Commission) update of their strategic plan.  The Commission has been operating under the …

California: Conservation Partners Weigh-in on Fish and Game Commissions Strategic Plan Update Read More »

California: Striped Bass Policy Adoption

Contact: Aoibheann Cline, Western States Coordinator  On February 21, the California Fish and Game Commission (Commission) adopted an updated Delta Fisheries Management Policy and updated Striped Bass Policy to the displeasure of the recreational fishing community. The adoption of these policies was heard before the Commission and postponed from the August and December meetings by the Commission over …

California: Striped Bass Policy Adoption Read More »

California: Action on the Delta Fisheries Management Policy and Striped Bass Policy Postponed Until February

Contact: Aoibheann Cline, Western States Coordinator On December 11, proposed updates to California’s Delta Fisheries Management Policy and Striped Bass Policy were once again before the California Fish and Game Commission (Commission). After hearing from the three expert scientists, one legislator representative, five industry representatives, including the Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation’s Western States Coordinator, Aoibheann Cline, …

California: Action on the Delta Fisheries Management Policy and Striped Bass Policy Postponed Until February Read More »

California: Outdoor Sporting Caucus Hosts Legislative Staff Fishing Trip

Contact: Aoibheann Cline, Western States Coordinator On October 2, the California Outdoor Sporting Caucus hosted a legislative staff fishing trip on the Feather River, 60 miles north of the state Capitol. Staff spent the day fishing for fall run Chinook salmon, California’s last commercial and recreational salmon run which has experienced historic lows in recent years …

California: Outdoor Sporting Caucus Hosts Legislative Staff Fishing Trip Read More »

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