State: KY

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Public Comment Period Open for Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources Proposed Regulation Changes

The Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources (KDFWR) is accepting public comment on proposed amendments to hunting and fishing regulations. The public has the opportunity to weigh in on the proposed regulation changes either by attending a public meeting or through the submission of written comments. Why It Matters: Public engagement on proposed rule amendments is …

Public Comment Period Open for Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources Proposed Regulation Changes Read More »

Kentucky Legislation Would Protect the Firearms Industry from Financial Discrimination

On February 24, legislation that would make it unlawful for financial institutions and government entities to discriminate against the firearms industry reported favorably out of the Kentucky House Judiciary Committee. Prior to the vote, the Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation (CSF) submitted a support letter to the committee. CSF’s letter stated, “Firearms and firearms-related businesses are essential to supporting Kentucky’s hunters and …

Kentucky Legislation Would Protect the Firearms Industry from Financial Discrimination Read More »

Southeast: States Provide Hunter Education Course Options and Ease Restrictions during COVID-19 Pandemic

Contact: Clay Chester, Southeastern States Coordinator  As the nation continues to adjust to social distancing requirements, some state fish and wildlife agencies are providing alternatives to hunter education course requirements while other states are easing access restrictions for anglers that were imposed due to COVID-19. These waivers and revisions allow sportsmen and women to participate …

Southeast: States Provide Hunter Education Course Options and Ease Restrictions during COVID-19 Pandemic Read More »

Southeast: 2020 Legislative Updates

Contact: John Culclasure, Southeastern States Assistant Director  Many state legislatures in the Southeast were in session during the first couple months of the year while other state legislatures were just getting started when COVID-19 caused many legislatures to go into recess. Nevertheless, members of the Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundations’ (CSF) States Program Team continue to monitor legislation and regulatory rulemaking throughout the …

Southeast: 2020 Legislative Updates Read More »

Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation and Conservation Partners Support Establishment of New National Wildlife Refuge in Kentucky

On August 30, the Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation and 23 other conservation organizations submitted a letter to Secretary of the Interior David Bernhardt supporting the establishment of the Green River National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) in Western Kentucky. Located along the Green River and Ohio River in Henderson County, the Green River NWR would conserve wetlands, floodplain forests …

Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation and Conservation Partners Support Establishment of New National Wildlife Refuge in Kentucky Read More »

Kentucky: Crossbow Deer Season Expansions Enacted for 2019-2020

Contact: John Culclasure, Central Appalachian States Manager On May 31, a regulation change that significantly expands the Kentucky crossbow deer season went into effect. The Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation supported the regulation change and submitted a letter in support that stressed the importance of increasing access and opportunity for Kentucky hunters to support hunter recruitment, retention, …

Kentucky: Crossbow Deer Season Expansions Enacted for 2019-2020 Read More »

Kentucky: Crossbow Season Expansion Approved by Legislative Subcommittee

By John Culclasure, Central Appalachian States Manager On April 9, the Kentucky Administrative Regulation Review Subcommittee passed a regulation change that would significantly increase opportunities for hunting with crossbows. While still needing final legislative committee approval, it is expected that the regulation change will be approved, resulting in roughly 52 more days open to crossbow …

Kentucky: Crossbow Season Expansion Approved by Legislative Subcommittee Read More »

Kentucky: Sportsmen’s Caucus Members Co-Host Dinner to Benefit Hunters for the Hungry

On January 25, members of the Kentucky Legislative Sportsmen’s Caucus, including Caucus Co-Chair Senator Robin Webb and Caucus member Representative Phillip Pratt, served as legislative co-chairs for the inaugural Serving Up Solutions fundraising dinner in Frankfort to benefit Kentucky Hunters for the Hungry and the Kentucky Association of Food Banks. Governors Sportsmen’s Caucus member Governor …

Kentucky: Sportsmen’s Caucus Members Co-Host Dinner to Benefit Hunters for the Hungry Read More »

Kentucky: NASC and Ducks Unlimited Partnership Takes Center Stage at Conservation Dinner

On October 4, Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation (CSF) staff members attended the Ducks Unlimited (DU) Partnerships in Conservation Reception and Dinner in Lexington, Kentucky in continuance of the strong alliance between CSF and DU. Hosted by the DU Board of Directors, the event highlighted the important partnership between DU, the Kentucky Legislative Sportsmen’s Caucus, and the …

Kentucky: NASC and Ducks Unlimited Partnership Takes Center Stage at Conservation Dinner Read More »

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