State: NC

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North Carolina: CSF Supports Revised Rules for Red Wolf Management

By John Culclasure, Central Appalachian States Manager On July 30, the Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation (CSF) submitted comments on the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s (Service) “Proposed Replacement of the Regulations for the Nonessential Experimental Population of Red Wolves in Northeastern North Carolina.” Current regulations have not effectively managed red wolves on the Albemarle Peninsula in …

North Carolina: CSF Supports Revised Rules for Red Wolf Management Read More »

North Dakota: Sportsmen’s Caucus Co-Chair Presented MAFWA President’s Award

By Joel Hodgdon, Central Midwestern States Coordinator During this year’s annual Midwest Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies (MAFWA) Directors’ meeting, North Dakota Legislative Sportsmen’s Caucus Co-Chair Representative Todd Porter was honored with the 2018 MAFWA President’s Award. The award was presented to Rep. Porter by North Dakota Game and Fish Department Director Terry Steinwand, …

North Dakota: Sportsmen’s Caucus Co-Chair Presented MAFWA President’s Award Read More »

North Carolina: Constitutional Right to Hunt and Fish Headed to Ballot

By John Culclasure, Central Appalachian States Manager On June 25, legislation to constitutionally protect the right to hunt, fish, and harvest wildlife in North Carolina passed both legislative chambers. The amendment will be presented to voters for ratification in the November 2018 elections.  Before the House passed Senate Bill 677 92-23, it adopted an amendment …

North Carolina: Constitutional Right to Hunt and Fish Headed to Ballot Read More »

North Dakota: CSF Staff Attends Midwest Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies Director’s Meeting

By Joel Hodgdon, Central Midwestern States Coordinator From June 24-27, Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation (CSF) Central Midwestern States Coordinator Joel Hodgdon attended the Midwest Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies (MAFWA) Director’s Annual Meeting in Bismarck, North Dakota. The meeting brought together state fish and wildlife agency directors and staff from across the midwestern region, as …

North Dakota: CSF Staff Attends Midwest Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies Director’s Meeting Read More »

North Carolina: Right to Hunt and Fish Constitutional Amendment Legislation Advances

By John Culclasure, Central Appalachian States Manager On June 20, legislation to constitutionally protect the right to hunt, fish, and harvest wildlife in North Carolina passed the Senate with strong bipartisan support (44-4). Senate Bill 677, sponsored by North Carolina Legislative Sportsmen’s Caucus Members Senators Danny Earl Britt, Tom McInnis, and Norman Sanderson, would be …

North Carolina: Right to Hunt and Fish Constitutional Amendment Legislation Advances Read More »

North Carolina: Fox Trapping Legislation Advances

By John Culclasure, Central Appalachian States Manager On May 24, North Carolina Legislative Sportsmen’s Caucus Member Representative Kyle Hall introduced legislation (HB 991) that would provide continuity in fox trapping regulations in certain counties in North Carolina. The legislation would set fox trapping season in select counties across the state to be consistent with North …

North Carolina: Fox Trapping Legislation Advances Read More »

North Carolina: Caucus Member Honored with Prestigious Conservation Award

By John Culclasure, Central Appalachian States Manager On May 21, North Carolina Legislative Sportsmen’s Caucus member Senator Bill Rabon was announced as the 2017 State Legislator of the Year by Safari Club International (SCI). A longtime champion for sportsmen’s rights and an active member of the Caucus, Sen. Rabon was instrumental in the efforts to …

North Carolina: Caucus Member Honored with Prestigious Conservation Award Read More »

North Carolina: Caucus Chair Receives Distinguished Conservation Award

By John Culclasure, Central Appalachian States Manager On May 17, the Coastal Conservation Association (CCA) of North Carolina presented North Carolina Legislative Sportsmen’s Caucus Co-Chair Representative Larry Yarborough with the 2017 CCA North Carolina Legislator of the Year award at the Triangle Chapter Annual Banquet in Raleigh. Since his election to the North Carolina House …

North Carolina: Caucus Chair Receives Distinguished Conservation Award Read More »

North Carolina: Public Input Sought for Migratory Bird Sunday Hunting Study

On December 5, the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission announced plans to hold four public meetings across the state to gather public input on migratory bird hunting on Sunday. Migratory bird hunting on Sunday is currently prohibited in North Carolina, although the Commission could remove the prohibition after March 1, 2018. The “Outdoor Heritage Enhanced” …

North Carolina: Public Input Sought for Migratory Bird Sunday Hunting Study Read More »

North Carolina: Caucus Co-Chair Representative John Bell Receives NASC Heritage Award

On October 11, Co-Chair of the North Carolina Legislative Sportsmen’s Caucus Representative John Bell was honored with the National Assembly of Sportsmen’s Caucuses (NASC) Heritage Award by the Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation (CSF) at CSF’s annual Wine, Wheels & Wildlife event in Lexington, North Carolina. In recognition of Representative Bell’s strong leadership in supporting NASC over …

North Carolina: Caucus Co-Chair Representative John Bell Receives NASC Heritage Award Read More »

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