State: OR

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2006 Economic Impact Report — Oregon

Oregon’s hunters and anglers spend more each year than the cash receipts from greenhouse/nursery products- the state’s most valuable agricultural commodity ($1.1 billion vs. $1 billion). Every five years in conjunction with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Survey on hunters and anglers, CSF produces a report on the economic impact hunters and anglers have on …

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Considering Recreational Angling Access in Transportation Projects

Summary Opportunities to expand angling access throughout the country have become increasingly limited in recent years due to increases in private ownership along waterways and attendant riparian rights limiting new access construction. State authorities often have the opportunity to expand fresh water angling access through the establishment of access points when state highway transportation departments …

Considering Recreational Angling Access in Transportation Projects Read More »

Conservation Sales Tax

Summary In addition to the American System of Conservation Funding, some states have begun to seek alternative methods of funding for their fish and wildlife agencies. A conservation sales tax on all taxable goods is one such mechanism that states might consider implementing. This excise tax is primarily applied to sporting goods such as firearms …

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Dedicated Lottery Funds for Conservation

Summary Over the last few decades, rising costs for natural resource management and increased public utilization of these resources has led to the need for additional methods of funding for conservation. Dedicating lottery proceeds to funding conservation can assist with efforts such as increasing access to public lands, habitat and endangered species conservation, wildlife education, …

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Federal Land Habitat Management

Summary Properly managed wildlife habitat is essential for supporting sustainable and healthy wildlife populations. Well-managed lands containvarious successional stages that provide a diversity of habitats capable of supporting a diversity of wildlife. On federal lands, however, young forests and other early seral habitats are often underrepresented. The most efficient method to improve wildlife habitat is …

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Increased Penalties for Poaching and Incentivizing the Reporting of Fish and Wildlife Violations

Summary Poaching stands as one of the greatest threats to both the social acceptance of hunting and professional wildlife management. By definition, poaching runs afoul of laws governing the harvesting of wildlife, thus upending the scientifically-developed regulations put in place by state wildlife managers. Further, anti-hunting communities have aimed to equate poaching with hunting in …

Increased Penalties for Poaching and Incentivizing the Reporting of Fish and Wildlife Violations Read More »

Interstate Wildlife Violators Compact

Summary With the increased sophistication of poachers and other wildlife violators, there is a need for increased levels of coordination and information sharing on these individuals between state fish and wildlife agencies. The Interstate Wildlife Violators Compact (IWVC) creates the mechanism allowing for this coordination. The availability of this information helps stop poachers and other …

Interstate Wildlife Violators Compact Read More »

Invasive Species

Summary Exotic invasive species are plants, animals, or pathogens that are non-native to the U.S., or regions of the U.S., and that harm, or are likely to harm, the economy, natural resources or human health. Addressing exotic invasive species requires significant coordination and joint actions between federal and state agencies, local governments, and private organizations. …

Invasive Species Read More »

Anti-Hunters Pushing for Seats on Game Commissions

Summary Established with the dedicated purpose of protecting and conserving wildlife, game commissions have been understandably staffed by experts in the field throughout their existence. Such experts’ ability to make responsible and effective decisions regarding wildlife management has become contested through non-sportsmen and women pushes for representation on game commissions. Having board members that are …

Anti-Hunters Pushing for Seats on Game Commissions Read More »

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