Summary Introduction The legal use of straight-walled rifle cartridges for deer hunting varies by state. In the last decade, ten states have allowed for the use of straight-walled rifle cartridges during their firearm deer season, many of which were previously limited to shotguns or slug guns. In 2014, Michigan allowed the use of straight-walled …
Summary Introduction Muzzleloading firearms have long been permitted as a method of take among deer hunters in most states, with many states offering special seasons solely for the use of muzzleloaders. This historically significant method of take harkens back to the original firearms used in North America, and represent a safe, yet challenging opportunity …
Summary Introduction Turkey “fanning” and “reaping” each use a decoy specifically designed for the taking of a wild turkey. Reaping allows the hunter to stalk the bird using a decoy and draws out more stubborn mature male birds due to the appearance of another dominant male. Fanning, however, uses a fan just as cover …
Fanning or Reaping as a Method of Taking Turkeys Read More »
Why It Matters: It is no secret that the Mid-Atlantic region (DE, MD, PA, VA, WV) plays an important role in our outdoor heritage. However, with the region also presents many challenges for sportsmen and women, conservation efforts generally. As 2024 ends, we can look back at the successes that are attributed to a strong …
Why It Matters: Pennsylvania is the second largest state in hunting license sales in the country, yet it still widely restricts Sunday hunting opportunities for the sportsmen and women. Currently, there are only three (3) Sundays in which you may hunt game and there are very limited species that can be targeted. Senate Bill 67 …
Sunday Hunting Legislation in Pennsylvania Fails to Progress Read More »
Why It Matters: On Tuesday, October 22nd, the Pennsylvania State Senate voted 47-3 to send House Bill 1409 (HB 1409) to Governor Josh Shapiro’s desk. HB 1409 (sponsored by Legislative Sportsmen’s Caucus Member and Chair of the House Fish & Game Committee, Rep. Anita Astorino Kulik) extends the Pennsylvania Fish & Boat Commission’s (PFBC) Board …
Pennsylvania Fishing License Fee Bill is Headed to Governor Shapiro’s Desk Read More »
Why It Matters: On Tuesday, October 1st, the Pennsylvania Game Commission (PGC) and the Pennsylvania Fish & Boat Commission (PFBC), along with the Chairs of the House and Senate Game & Fish Committees (Sen. Greg Rothman; Co-Chair for the Pennsylvania Legislative Sportsmen’s Caucus and Caucus member, Rep. Anita Astorino Kulik. n addition to the bill …
Pennsylvania Unveils New Sportsman License Plate That Benefits Youth Hunting and Fishing Read More »
Why It Matters: The number one reason that lapsed hunters give when asked why they no longer hunt, is the lack of access. Currently, in Pennsylvania, there are only three (3) Sundays in which you may hunt game and there are very limited species that can be targeted. Senate Bill 67 (SB 67), sponsored by …
Sunday Hunting Expansion One Step Closer in Pennsylvania Read More »
Why It Matters: College can be an incredibly challenging time financially for many students, which presents a real barrier for them purchasing a hunting, trapping, or fishing license while in school. If young adults cease their participation in hunting and angling for 4 years while other interests are blossoming, there is real potential for them …
Why It Matters: Sunday hunting bans are one of the last remaining examples of the puritanical and antiquated laws that were initially designed to encourage church attendance. At the time when blue law restrictions were first put in place, other activities that were illegal on a Sunday included opening a store for business, drinking alcoholic …
Pennsylvania Seeks to Remove Longstanding Sunday Hunting Restrictions Read More »