March 18, 2024

House of Representatives OKs Pair of Firearm Bills in OK

Article Contact: Kent Keene,

Why It Matters: Particularly during election years, legislation regarding firearms, both good and bad, dominates much of the conversation among state legislatures. Often, these efforts align closely with the priorities for one major political party or the other. However, there are ideas that truly transcend party lines in support of our shared mission of increasing firearm safety among America’s law-abiding sportsmen and women. Members of the Oklahoma Legislative Sportsmen’s Caucus are currently leading such an effort in the Sooner State.


  • The Oklahoma House of Representatives recently passed two bills, House Bills 3427 and 3429, led by Oklahoma Legislative Sportsmen’s Caucus Member Representative Nick Archer.
  • House Bill 3427 would create an income tax credit program for firearm owners who purchase an eligible firearm safety device, such as a safe, case, or lock box. HB 3427 passed out of the House with strong bipartisan support.
  • House Bill 3429 would create a sales tax holiday for qualifying rifle ammunition purchases during the weekend preceding Oklahoma’s firearms deer hunting season.

Firearm policy remains one of the most polarizing topics across the country. Because of this, the Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation’s (CSF) States Program Team remains steadfast in our efforts to defend our firearm rights during state legislative sessions. While firearm policy is often a source of partisan divide, some efforts designed to improve firearm safety have the ability to transcend party lines and bring legislators together.

In Oklahoma, House Bill 3427, introduced and led by Oklahoma Legislative Sportsmen’s Caucus Member Representative Nick Archer, is accomplishing this feat. HB 3427 seeks to create an income tax credit for Oklahoma taxpayers who purchase an eligible firearm safety device. If passed, taxpayers who purchase eligible safes, cases, lock boxes, or similar items can receive fifty percent of the purchase price for such items as a tax credit. This sort of program provides law-abiding firearm owners with an incentive to continue investing in firearm safety devices. Such incentives, as opposed to onerous mandates, are a great way to improve firearm safety. On March 5th, HB 3427 passed out of the House with bipartisan support by a margin of 85-10.

Passed out of the House a day later on March 6th was Representative Archer’s HB 3429 which would create a sales tax holiday for the purchase of rifle ammunition during the weekend before Oklahoma’s firearms deer hunting season. Designed to increase interest and participation in time-honored outdoor traditions, the outdoor gear tax holiday offered through HB 3429 provides deer hunters an added incentive to gear up for the upcoming season while supporting the sale of ammunition in the Sooner State.

After passing out of the House, both HB 3427 and HB 3429 await further action in the Senate.

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