August 26, 2024

East Coast Legislative Sportsmen’s Caucuses Continue to Hammer Away on the NARW Vessel Strike Reduction Rule

Article Contact: Conner Barker,

Why It Matters: As America’s original conservationists, sportsmen and women understand the importance of conserving our nation’s wildlife. This also rings true for conserving North Atlantic right whales (NARW). The recreational boating and fishing community fully supports efforts to protect NARW. However, a National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) proposed rule, in its final stages of the rule-making process, would implement a 10-knot (11 mph) speed limit for all vessels 35 feet and longer during certain times of the year along most of the Atlantic Coast, drastically impacting thousands of boaters and anglers.


  • The likelihood of a recreational vessel striking a NARW is extremely small, and the proposed drastic speed reduction rule could jeopardize recreational boater safety and safe ocean access if implemented this fall.
  • Recently, state agencies responsible for enforcing their respective state’s Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA) programs in Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Virginia solicited comments on a request from NOAA for review of a federal consistency submission regarding the proposed NARW vessel strike reduction rule.
  • Bipartisan Legislative Sportsmen’s Caucus Leaders under the National Assembly of Sportsmen’s Caucuses (NASC) umbrella from Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Virginia recently submitted comment letters encouraging their respective state agencies to find the proposed NARW vessel strike reduction rule not consistent with enforceable policies under the CZMA.
  • These recent letters are consistent with previous NASC-lead opposition efforts on the proposed NARW vessel strike reduction rule including the passage of Georgia HR 651 in 2023 and a comment letter from Atlantic States Legislative Sportsmen’s Caucus Leaders to the White House Office of Management and Budget and Office of Information and Regulatory affairs in May.

Whether you spend your weekends fishing on your own recreational fishing vessel or book a one-day fishing charter while on vacation, the proposed vessel strike reduction rule would extend travel times, reduce fishing time, increase trip costs, reduce safety while on the water, and ultimately lead to a loss of recreational fishing access overall. Additionally, the proposed rule could negatively impact booming economies that are a result of recreational boating and fishing, including in South Carolina where recreational boating and fishing alone result in a $6.5 billion combined economic impact.

The proposed blanket speed reduction rule is currently in its final stages of the rule making process with the White House Office of Management and Budget. The Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation (CSF) and its many in-state and national partners have been engaged during the entirety of the rule making process. CSF participated in NOAA’s NARW Vessel Strike Risk Reduction Technology Workshop earlier this year and has worked closely with the Congressional Sportsmen’s Caucus (CSC) to introduce legislation that would delay the proposed rule while technological solutions are explored and implemented.

CSF will continue to work with partners, Legislative Sportsmen’s Caucus Leaders, and CSC Leaders to oppose the draconian rule and advocate for more efficient technological approach to conserve NARW and protect recreational boating and fishing access.

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